July 2015
Y-Chromosome short tandem repeat, typing technology, locus information and allele frequency in different population: A review
Chromosome Y microsatellites seem to be ideal markers to delineate differences between human populations. They are transmitted in uniparental and they are very sensitive for genetic drift. This review will highlight the importance of the Y- Chromosome as a tool for tracing human evolution and describes some details of Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (STR) analysis. Among them are: microsatellites, amplification using...
July 2015
Suitability and use of two molecular markers to track race-specific resistance striga gesnerioides in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)
The obligate root parasitic weed Striga gesnerioides poses a severe constraint to cowpea productivity in the dry savannahs of West and Central Africa, where cowpea is a major crop. At least seven races of S. gesnerioides have been identified within the cowpea-growing regions of West and Central Africa, based on host differential response and genetic diversity analysis. Molecular markers linked to resistance to...
July 2015
In vitro embryo rescue and plant regeneration following self-pollination with irradiated pollen in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Cassava is a highly heterozygous species; hence, current methods used in classical cassava breeding cannot match the urgent need to high yielding varieties. Recently, progress was made through androgenesis and gynogenesis as pathways for raising doubled cassava haploid lines to overcome problems associated with cassava’s inherent reproductive biology, but these efforts were limited (no candidate cassava plantlets...
July 2015
Adventitious shoots induction and plant regeneration from cotyledons of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L.)
A highly efficient regeneration system is a prerequisite step for successful genetic transformation of watermelon cultivars (Citrullus lanatus L.). The objective of this study was to establish efficient in vitro plant regeneration for three watermelon cultivars. To achieve optimal conditions for adventitious shoot induction, the 5-day-old explants (cotyledon base portion, apical portion and hypocotyl) of three cultivars...
July 2015
Physicochemical, antioxidant, and sensorial properties of peach snacks prepared from different cultivars
High potentiality of medicinal benefits of peach have increased its demand, however, supply of fresh fruit to meet the demand is challenging as it grows in specific climatic regions and in particular season. Preparation of varieties of processed peach products could be a good option to supply in lean season. Objective of the study was to assess the quality characteristics of peach snacks prepared from 11 different...
July 2015
Enrichment and isolation of microbial strains degrading bioplastic polyvinyl alcohol and time course study of their degradation potential
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) degrading bacterial strains were isolated from various environmental sites rich in plastic wastes by using the enrichment culture technique. Among the various isolated strains, the selected potent PVA degrading bacterial strains were tentatively characterized as Bacillus and Pseudomonas sp. The time course of the PVA degradation potential of the characterized strains in growth media containing...
July 2015
Phenotypic characters of yeasts isolated from kpete-kpete, a traditional starter of a Benin opaque sorghum beer
Opaque sorghum beers are the most consumed African alcoholic beverages. Tchoukoutou is one of the Benin opaque sorghum beers. Its fermentation process is carried out using a traditional starter called kpete-kpete. The present study characterized and identified the yeasts isolated from kpete-kpete. A total of 24 samples of kpete-kpete were collected from eight different commercial processing sites in Northern Benin. The...