Full Length Research Paper
This study aimed to assess the risk management practices in Dangote Cement Factory, Ethiopia. Descriptive research design was employed in this study along with quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The total population was 353 of which 192 respondents were selected using simple random sampling technique. In addition to this, four managers were chosen for interview using purposive sampling technique. The primary information or data were gathered using structured survey which enclosed both open and close ended questions. Moreover, data were analyzed using both descriptive analysis like frequency and percentages and inferential statistics with the help of Statistical Packages of Social Scientist 20 version computer software. The findings of this study shown that there was no awareness created regarding training of the risk management process in the company. Moreover, packing plant risk and material risk were the most faced risks in Dangote Cement Factory. Finally, the study recommended that, the company is better to provide awareness creation, and continuous training, fulfilling personal protective equipment and establishing safety supervision staff committees.
Key words: Risk, risk management, dangote cement factory, Ethiopia.
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