Full Length Research Paper
This study investigates the work environment and employee performance in Pakistan. It aims to test a model based on five dimensions of work environment and their effect on the performance of employees. The data were collected from 115 employees of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) and processed through Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to apply statistical tests, that is, descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation and regression analysis, to investigate the relationship of the selected variables. The results of the study reveal that most of the employees are males working at the supervisory level. The Pearson’s correlation results show that all the independent variables have strong and significant relationship with employee performance, especially physical working conditions which reflect the strongest positive and significant relationship. Whereas the results of regression analysis reveal that performance of employees mostly depends on physical working conditions, training and development and communication practices. It was concluded that the entire hypotheses were upheld. The work environment has an impact on an individual’s ability to work safely, competently and in compliance with operational performance targets. It is necessary to train the employees to efficiently and effectively handle the work overload. The current study suggests that improvement in the working conditions leads to better employees’ performance. It could result into improved performance of the organization due to retention of employees and the retained employees try their best to perform well at their work places.
Key words: Work environment, employee performance, Pakistan.
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