Full Length Research Paper
This paper examines private sector participation in housing development for low income group (LIG) in Malaysia and Nigeria. This is to contribute to the literature on housing paradigm shift from state provision to privatisation and market-driven housing delivery. The study is based on comparative case studies of identified housing estate projects in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Abuja (Nigeria). The primary data of the study were collected using structured and semi-structured questionnaires administered on the resident households, and representatives of the respective government agencies and private developers respectively. Other methods include interviews, documents and published sources. The findings reveal the extent of gap bridged between housing demand and the private sector response in the two countries and the adequacy and affordability of houses developed for the LIG. The paper concludes that housing policies integration and the demonstrated quality of institutions managing the private sector participation account for the distinct and different outcomes of housing development delivery for the LIG in the two countries. It suggests that the success of private sector depends on the existence of a favourable socio-economic environment and an effective institutional and regulatory framework.
Key words: Formal private sector, housing, housing policy, low-income group (LIG), Malaysia, Nigeria.
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