Full Length Research Paper
This article seeks to appraise the performance appraisal system in the bank of Botswana. A qualitative research design was used. The sample for the investigation was drawn from a population of 417 employees, all from nine departments. Proportionate stratified sampling was used to select representative units of measurement. A questionnaire was then distributed to the random sample of 79 respondents but seventy were returned, 88% response rate therebycontributing to the generalisability of the findings. Empirical results indicate that the system is used to identity employees for promotion and to decide on salary a wards. However, it was also found out that the reward outcomes did not always show a positive reflection of the performance appraisal outcomes, and that the system was not consistent. The article identified issues that need to be addressed for the Bank’s performance appraisal system to be effective and meet its objectives: regular training for both the employees and the evaluators; transparency in the implementation of the appraisal system; provision of continuous feedback to employees on their performance and reduction of inconsistency in the system across the Bank. Notwithstanding that, the study had limitations in the sense that the appraisal of the appraisal system was done only in one organisation, the Bank of Botswana. Also, the researcher used only one method to collect data, the questionnaire, thus, limiting the chances for triangulation of the information obtained from the survey. The study highlights the unique challenges of the PAS in the bank and provides suggestions for its improvement.
Key words: Human resource management, performance management, performance appraisal.
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