Full Length Research Paper
Knowledge is originated from the intelligence of individuals and is visible in the tasks, systems, procedures, norm and customs and is really difficult to imitate. Knowledge economy has changed the theme of innovation management. Knowledge sharing not only reduces the cost of the production or service, but also contributes to the success of the organization because knowledge sharing helps in avoiding the mistakes and develops the ability to innovate. There exist a gap in the studies that address the knowledge sharing practices. Knowledge sharing has been found to become a beneficial for different organizations especially for the development of solutions through innovations. This study has, therefore, been conducted to find out the factors that influence academic staff's knowledge sharing intentions which develop the university’s capabilities towards innovation. In order to check the factors that determine the behaviour of knowledge sharing among the academic staff, different theoretical models have been discussed that explain the individual's behaviour. On the basis of literature, 'trust' from social capital theory along with subjective norms and attitude from theory of reasoned action were used as factors influencing the knowledge sharing intentions. The data was collected by using a semi structured questionnaire. The model used for evaluation was structural equation model (SEM) and data has been analysed by using LISREL 8.70 software. The results obtained from the analysis of the data confirmed that the intensity of knowledge sharing behaviours has a positive influence on the innovative capabilities of the university.
Key words: Knowledge sharing, self efficacy, innovation.
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