Full Length Research Paper
Although the research of trust in leadership has increasingly gain attention in past two decades, existing research do not provide a sufficiently clear picture of the relationships among trust in different leadership referents and its antecedents and consequences. To fill this gap, this study aim to test the relationships among different dimensions of organizational justices, which are treated as the antecedents, trust in two leadership referents (supervisor and organization), and three work-related outcomes (innovative goal commitment, organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) and in-role performance). Our hypotheses are tested on data collected from 157 information technology (IT) employees of software development companies in Thailand. Linear structural relations (LISREL) results revealed that procedural and distributive justices positively affect trust in organization, whereas the interactional justice positively affects trust in supervisor.The innovative goal commitment and OCBs are the proximal outcomes, while the in-role performance is the distal outcome of trust in organization. In contrast, trust in supervisor has no direct impact on all outcomes variables, but it has an indirect effect through trust in organization. Discussion and recommendation are presented.
Key words: Organizational justice, trust in leadership, innovative goal commitment, organizational citizenship behaviors, in-role performance.
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