Full Length Research Paper
This study aimed to determine the customer-based brand equity of Taiwanese and Indonesian teenage consumers using data from 925 teenage consumers in Taiwan and Indonesia from purposive sampling. This study implemented Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with LISREL software to test the hypotheses and certify the fitness of the research models. This research provided insight into the young teenage consumers brand equity and pointed to further opportunities for investigation in the context of emerging markets. The results showed that brand awareness (BAW), brand association (BA) and perceived quality (PQ) directly and indirectly affect brand loyalty (BL) in the constructs of customer-based brand equity between the countries. This research also showed the distinctions of customer-based brand equity between the teenage consumers in two emerging markets (Taiwan and Indonesia), and realized the crucial concept of glocalization. Those findings supported and had implications managerially for marketing strategists, and are also conceptually relevant to the future research in the field of international marketing and consumer behaviour.
Key words: Customer-based brand equity, teenage consumers, emerging market, glocalization, structural equation modelling.
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