African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4198


E-management development and deployment strategy for future organization

Liu Yao, Ahmad Bin Othman, Ahmed N. Aballa and Omar R. Mahdi*
Faculty of Technology Management, University Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan 25300, Malaysia.
Email: [email protected]

  •  Accepted: 17 May 2011
  •  Published: 18 August 2011


In today’s global networked economy, integrated information system is a vital fundamental to a competitive advantage. In order to survive or succeed in the future characterized by radical pace of changing, organizations need to think of ways to integrate, automate as well as intelligentize their operational systems, both internally and externally. This paper firstly conceptualizes what a future organization is to establish a possible objective to achieve. Secondly, it explains the definition of the so-called e-management with some key principles interpreted. Thirdly, the conceptual design of e-management is proposed from both aspects of attributes and strategies such as database design strategy and application design strategy. Finally, some advices are provided on how to prepare for the implementation of e-management, leaving how to practically implement it for our future work. Worthy to note, all the strategies suggested in this paper have already been successfully experimented by two universities in Malaysia.


Key words: E-management, organization, life cycle, artificial intelligence.