Full Length Research Paper
The work gives a survey of a quantitative model of multicriteria analysis by means of which alternatives are ranked in full array. The model derives its basic idea and philosophy from Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Preference Ranking Organisation Method for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) methods, so that it could be said to represent a combination of these two methods by applying appropriate elements of multiple attribute utility theory. This fact alone already understands certain novelties and originality. Besides this, the model includes some of its characteristic elements which do not appear in these methods. The essential change regarding the existing method is contained in the modification of Saaty’s Scale for comparing attributes in pairs. This change also caused changes in other novelties in the model. The proposed scale for comparison of attributes is separately analysed in the work. This scale enables a far greater number of combinations for assigning assessments to superordinate and subordinate attributes, as well as more accurate comparison which corresponds much more to the real conditions. In the conclusion, some of the basic features and advantages of the model are explained.
Key words: Model, criteria, alternatives, assessments, comparison.
DO, Difference of Assessments; ASC, Assessment of Stronger Criterion; AWC, Assessment of Weaker Criterion; RAA, Real Aggregate Assessment, SA, Sum of Assessments; VSC, Value of Stronger Criterion; VWC,Value of Weaker Criterion; ASA, Assessment of Stronger Alternative; AWA,Assessment of Weaker Alternative; VSA, Value of Stronger Alternative; VWA, Value of Weaker Alternative.
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