African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4199

Full Length Research Paper

Antecedents and consequences of subjective disconfirmation in e-service

Naveed Iqbal Chaudhry1,2*, Arshad Zaheer 3, Kashif ur Rehman3, Syed Raza Ali3 and Zeeshan Akbar3
  1Business School, University of Bedfordshire, UK. 2University of the Punjab Gujranwala Campus Gujranwala, Pakistan. 3Iqra University, H-9, Islamabad, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]

  •  Accepted: 08 April 2011
  •  Published: 18 May 2011



The e-service is a long term marketing thought for many organizations, established on the assurance of cost effective models of providing customer services. Recent growth in the use of internet services has also provided opportunities for service companies to offer better quality service to their consumers. The main aim of the paper was to carry out the theoretical perception on the role of e-service. The current development in technology have created a powerful movement in knowledge based self service or e-service, and it is also creating a role of differentiation in provision of customer services. The advantages of internet also create a new opportunities for business to construct strategic link with their consumers. A self-complete survey was used to collect data from a convenience sample of 272 Pakistani respondents who use online banking. Factor analysis and structural equation modelling were used to test the proposed model of relationships. Online e-trust, perceived quality and intention to use, have impact on subjective disconfirmation. Subjective disconfirmation does have a relationship to quality and e-loyalty. However, the efficiency dimension of online service quality is related to e-trust and also indirectly to relationship strength through e-trust. The personal need and site organization dimensions of online service quality are related to e-loyalty, with personal needs exhibiting the strongest impact. Also, the loyalty has stronger impact on behavioural intention and word of mouth.


Key words: E- service, antecedents, consequences, subjective disconfirmation.