African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4197

Table of Content: 14 December; 5(32)

December 2011

Implementing international laws to fight business bribery: Case of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) anti-bribery convention

  Foreign bribery poses an increasingly serious threat to the probity of international business transactions. In the 1990s, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) developed an anti-bribery convention specifically designed to prevent and detect corrupt activities in these transactions. To date, the Convention has successfully recruited 38 signatory countries. However, its effectiveness...

Author(s): Cheng Wenhao and Umme Aiman Ahmad

December 2011

Factors affecting on collaboration of industry with University

  It is well acknowledged that innovation has become a strategic source in creating sustainable competitive advantages for firms. Since innovation is increasingly related to a firm’s ability to assimilate and exploit external knowledge, firms are facing challenges of accessing knowledge and sources of innovation. One of the sources for accessing external knowledge is the knowledge generated in...

Author(s): Tayebeh Abbasnejad, Abbas Moghbel Baerz, Ali Asghar Anvary Rostamy and Adel Azar

December 2011

Knowledge management practices in Malawi

  In the 21st century, knowledge management has become as important as information technology and has therefore, led to significant gains in productivity and profitability. However, few organisations in Malawi have implemented formal knowledge management systems. The question arises as to whether such organisations do not have knowledge management practices in place at all, or whether such practices are...

Author(s):   Raphael T Mpofu

December 2011

Exploring the system dynamics competition in Taiwan’s mobile market

  This paper explores the system dynamics competition of Taiwan’s mobile service industry for the period: from 1998 to 2009. By using the system dynamics approach, the purpose is to construct Taiwan’s mobile operating model based on six subsystems of operators’ numbers, subscribers, costs, price, revenue and profit. The principal findings conclude that the system behavior patterns of...

Author(s): Chun-Mei Chen, Jin-Li Hu and Ching-Chang Chan,

December 2011

Motivation in Islam: Intertwine loop model

  This article presents the ideas of scholars about factors of motivation, and then introduces motivation theory in Islam under the title of "the intertwine loops model". This model has been derived from Imam Ali's words, in which human beings, according to their actions and worships, are categorized in three classes including traders, slaves and nobles. Combination of these three classes’...

Author(s): Ali Naghi Amiri, Amir Hamzaeh Mehrabi and Gholamreza Jandaghi

December 2011

Mobile phone to youngsters: Necessity or addiction

  This study focuses on exploring the pattern of mobile phone usage among youngsters in Pakistan to delineate the extent of addictive behavior towards its usage. For this purpose questionnaires were used to elicit the responses. University students were selected as population and simple random sampling technique was used. Sample was consisting of 500 students out of which 400 students responded back comprising...

Author(s): Ishfaq Ahmed, Tehmina Fiaz Qazi and Khadija Aijaz Perji

December 2011

An investigation into the interrelation between balanced score card factors: A case study in the automotive industry

  Since 1990s, when Kaplan and Norton introduced balanced scorecard (BSC) model, this model has been considerably popular amongst managers all over the world. Although BSC is known as a successful performance measurement tool amongst managers, there have been criticisms of that including: How financial and non-financial measures are linked together? Are relationships in a direct way or there is bi-directional...

Author(s): Jalalpoor Mahdieh and Tolouei Pedram

December 2011

The determinant factors influencing young consumers’ acceptance of mobile marketing in Malaysia

  This paper examines the factors influencing the intention to use mobile marketing among young consumers in Malaysia. This study employed the decomposed theory of reasoned action as underpinning theory in explaining intention to use. The survey was conducted using self-administered questionnaire. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed but only 277 were usable with a response rate of 58%. Results of the...

Author(s): Mohammad Ismail and Razli Che Razak

December 2011

Determinants of property-liability insurer retention: Evidence from Taiwan insurance industry

  The determination of an appropriate retention level is an important decision for insurers since the results show the influence on risk exposure and firm profitability. In this study, we examine the determinants of insurer retentions for property-liability insurance companies in the Taiwan insurance industry. Three models are estimated in this study including ordinary least squares regression and two panel...

Author(s): Hsu-Hua Lee and Chen-Ying Lee

December 2011

The effects of internal marketing, job satisfaction and service attitude on job performance among high-tech firm

  For almost all the nations of the world, the high-tech industry is the main locomotive of economic growth. To create higher competitiveness, businesses in this industry must build a set of norms to guide their employees and motivate them to deliver higher job performance. This paper focused on Taiwanese high-tech firms which have implemented internal marketing for many years to examine the relationship among...

Author(s): Mei-Ying Wu and Yi-Ru Lee

December 2011

Dynamic relationships of knowledge creation activities in supply chains: Evidence from patent data in the US auto industry

  To examine the coordination of knowledge creation activities (KCAs) in the supply chain, this paper used time series analyses to study the dynamic relationships of KCAs between buyers and suppliers in the auto industry. Using patent data a stationary relationship, it had been disclosed between both parties even if KCAs of either side were non-stationary over the long run. Furthermore, it was disclosed by...

Author(s): Yan Lin, Jian Chen and Yan Chen

December 2011

Reconstruction of World Bank’s classification of countries

  This paper’s objective is to analyze whether the classification of countries provided by the World Bank (WB) can be reconstructed with a linear and/or integer-programming model known as multi-group hierarchical discrimination, using only data published by the WB. The WB has a public database containing countries’ economic-financial and political criteria. The model’s parameters were...

Author(s): Nima MIRZAEI and Béla VIZVÁRI

December 2011

Research on the knowledge creation process of the university-Industry collaboration: A case from China

  This paper elaborates theories of intra-organizational knowledge creation by exploring the knowledge conversion processes of University-Industry collaborationin Chinese contexts. To describe the knowledge conversion tendency, atheoretical framework is developed by reference to Boisot...

Author(s): Yao Wei Chen Jin and SI Yaqi

December 2011

Validity of capital asset pricing model in Pakistan: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange

  This study investigates the validity of capital asset pricing (CAP) model in Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE). The data used in this study were collected from 387 companies of 30 different sectors on monthly, quarterly and semi-annual basis. The Paired sample t- test is applied to find the difference between actual and expected returns. Results show that capital asset pricing model (CAPM) predict more accurately...

Author(s): Syed Ali Raza Syed Tehseen Jawaid, Imtiaz Arif and Fahim Qazi

December 2011

Productivity and morale of administrative employees in the South African public service

  This article reports on a study conducted among non-managerial administrative employees in the South African public service to determine what they need to perform to their optimum level and what will make them feel that they are well looked after. The empirical survey focused on perceptions of administrative employees, to determine and identify barriers to efficiency as well as to evaluate the role physical...

Author(s): Edmund Ferreira and Sumei van Antwerpen

December 2011

Perception of the environmental commitment of companies: An empirical approach to workers

  Although the involvement of all the different members of an organization is considered imperative to reach environmental excellence, it is the role of workers that stands out. Regarding the environmental commitment of companies, different factors condition the involvement of the workers. The present research is aimed at detecting the attitude of the workers toward environmental matters, through a series of...

Author(s): María José García-López, Manuel López-Quero and Carmen Avilés-Palacios

December 2011

Stochastic dominance approach of analysis for stock market valuation of financial consolidation in Taiwan

  To examine whether stock market values financial consolidation in Taiwan since 2002, this paper compares the stock market performance of financial-holding-company banks (FHC-bank) with independent banks using Taiwan’s daily data from 2003 to 2009. While the ultimate goal of a typical public-traded bank is to maximize its stockholder’s wealth, based on stock returns...

Author(s): Yuan Chang and Hooi Hooi Lean

December 2011

Multi-factor of employee values: A confirmatory factor analytics (CFA) validation

  Employees are an asset to the organisation and therefore, values that surround them have to be empowered for the benefit of the organisation. This article examines the factor structure of employee values which are fairness, consultative, mutual trust, acknowledgement, altruism and empowerment. Questionnaires were distributed to staff at the selected Higher Education Institution (HEI) in the east coast of...

Author(s): M. R. Ab Hamid, Z. Mustafa, N. R. M. Suradi, F. Idris and M. Abdullah 

December 2011

Senior manager overconfidence, managerial discretion and dividend policy: A study of Chinese listed companies

  The research attempts to link managerial overconfidence with dividend policy in an emerging market in China. In addition, it proposes and tests if managerial discretion factors such as duality, cash flow and market growth, moderate that relationship by using 745 companies as our sample. The results show that, like in Western countries, senior manager over confidence and dividend policy are negatively related...

Author(s): Shouming Chen, Hongliang Zheng and Sibin Wu

December 2011

The local agenda 21 in Andalusia, Spain: A model for sustainable innovation

  This study proposes an integrative model that includes a set of variables that define and influence an innovation process. This model suggest that, both organizational and institutional factors, affects the innovation process. The innovation under study is the implementation of a sustainable practice, the Local Agenda 21 (LA21), by the local councils in Andalusia, Spain. Since 2002, the City 21 program...

Author(s): Rocio Liamas-Sanchez, Angeles Muñoz-Fernández and Guillermo Maraver-Tarifa