February 2016
An investigation using multivariate analyses in predicting respondents’ perception of satisfaction, professionalism, skill and competence of radiographers in routine radiological services in Enugu, Southeast Nigeria
Assessing patients’ perception of satisfaction, professionalism, competence and skill of health care providers helps health institutions and providers respond to the needs and expectations of the patients. Little work is known to have taken place to understand this phenomenon especially in radiological services in Nigerian hospitals. This study is therefore aimed at investigating the perception of patients’...
February 2016
An investigation of the leadership styles of Pentecostal church leaders in Zimbabwe
The aim of the paper is to focus on leadership styles exercised by Pentecostal leaders in Zimbabwe. The target population was divided into three main groups; the founders, the leaders and the members of Pentecostal churches in Zimbabwe. Depth interviews and questionnaires were used on six founders, three hundred and fifty leaders and nine hundred members. The leadership style of the founders was found to be...