African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4197

Table of Content: 14 June, 2017; 11(11)

June 2017

Firm performance and economic crisis: Family versus non-family businesses in Italy

This study investigates the performance of medium-sized family businesses – hereafter MSFBs – during the economic recession by comparing family and non-family firms, and correlating the organisational performance to the family ownership and firms’ solvency. An empirical research study was carried out on a sample of 128 Italian medium-sized businesses – hereafter MSBs - (76 family and 52...

Author(s): Francesca Maria Cesaroni, Denisse Chamochumbi and Annalisa Sentuti

June 2017

The impact of corporate diversification on firm value in Kenya

This study investigates the impact of corporate diversification on the value of firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). Panel regression techniques were used as the estimation methods. The overall findings of the study where somewhat mixed. The study finds that industrial diversification reduces firm value, but geographical diversification does not have a significant impact on firm value. When examining...

Author(s): Anthony Manyuru, Muturi Wachira and Evans Amata

June 2017

Prospects for sustainability and viability of Nigerian manufacturing organizations through team work approach

This study on prospects for sustainability and viability of Nigerian manufacturing organizations through team work approach has the overall objective of ascertaining the extent to which teamwork approach to change management holds good prospects for sustenance and viability in Nigerian manufacturing organizations. The study adopted the survey research design, in which ten manufacturing companies in the South-Eastern...

Author(s): Lovlyn Ekeowa Kelvin-Iloafu