African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4197

Table of Content: 28 September, 2017; 11(18)

September 2017

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) engagement in corporate social responsibility (CSR) in developing countries: Literature review

Although corporate social responsibility (CSR) has globally been recognized by both large and small businesses, little literature is currently available regarding the motivation and barriers for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engagement in CSR practices. Until recently, the involvement of SMEs in social activities has received little attention by both scholars and practitioners. Therefore, this study is aimed at...

Author(s): Peter K. Turyakira

September 2017

An assessment of nexus between infrastructural development and Nigerian economic growth

This study investigates the nexus between infrastructural development and Nigerian economic growth using data from 1981 to 2014. The data was tested for stationarity followed by co-integration, and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) was employed for the analysis. From the results, there is long run relationship between infrastructure development and Nigerian economic growth. VECM have the expected negative sign, and...

Author(s): Peter Siyan and Adewale E. Adegoriola

September 2017

The increasing role of contract research organizations in the evolution of the biopharmaceutical industry

The role played by contract research organizations (CROs) in the last decades has been almost completely neglected by the economic and managerial literature, which at most presents an outdated and misleading portrait, of firms performing routine clinical tasks. This study aims at filling this knowledge gap, by describing the evolution of the CRO segment of the biopharma industry in the last two decades, discussing the...

Author(s): Margherita Balconi and Valeria Lorenzi

September 2017

Popular financial reporting: Results, expense and welfare markers

The National and international accounting principles converged with the aim to provide information about consolidated groups, be it accessible, comprehensible and transparent. A public company group certainly varied in the support of Popular Financial Reporting, an instrument of consolidated economic property and  financial cost reporting. It completes financial, economic, patrimonial, quantitative and qualitative...

Author(s): Paolo Pietro Biancone, Silvana Secinaro and Valerio Brescia

September 2017

Retention strategies used for doctors and nurses in Lesotho: An implementation framework

This study reviews the retention strategies used for Lesotho’s doctors and nurses, and it presents an implementation framework that supports and promotes staff retention.  Based on the increasing necessity to retain doctors and nurses, the implementation framework is an essential element of retention strategy. A qualitative and quantitative research design method for collecting data was adopted in the form of...

Author(s): Makahlolo Juliah Makong and Darlington Peter Onojaefe

September 2017

Organisational culture as a driver of outsourcing choices: A conceptual model

It is generally known that organisational culture plays an important  role in conditioning both behaviour and entrepreneurial choices, which can occur either consciously  or unconsciously as well as differently based on specific entrepreneurial situations. This paper investigated the impact of organisational culture on outsourcing choices and provided a conceptual model on how this conditioning occurs. Through...

Author(s): Paolo Popoli