January 2011
A further editorial guideline for writing manuscript in the field of social science: A special perspective for African Journal of Business Management (AJBM)
With the breathtaking success of African Journal of Business Management-AJBM in the recent years, has become one of most commanding podiums for the scholar especially from the developing world. In 2009, not only its impact factor has increased substantially, but also one of its published papers “has been selected by Essential Science Indicators SM from Thomson...
January 2011
The moderating role of leader-member exchange in the relationship between psychological contract violation and organizational citizenship behavior
This paper aims to explore the moderating role of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) quality in the relationship between Psychological Contract Violation (PCV) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Data were gathered from a sample of 148 registered nurses working in a private general hospital. Results show that the negative relationship between PCV and OCB is stronger for nurses who have high LMX quality....
January 2011
Forecasting stock price of Iranian major petrochemical companies
The issue of forecasting the stock prices of the companies attending the stock exchange market is a very important problem for investors. The ability of forecasting stock prices would enable them to choose the best investment basket leading to high benefits. In this paper, we intend to forecast the price of stocks of the major Iranian petrochemical companies. For this purpose, the regression models are used....
January 2011
Appling new hybrid model to evaluate dynamic relationship in high-tech Industries
Investigating dynamic relationship among stock markets has received considerable attention by both academics and practitioners. Hence, this study presents new integrated model, Grey-VAR Model, to modify Granger causality test procedure that can investigate dynamic relationships of high-tech industries. These results provide evidences that there exist the short-term equilibrium relationship of high-tech...
January 2011
The relationships of cruise image, perceived value, satisfaction, and post-purchase behavioral intention on Taiwanese tourists
The travel industry has recognized the advantages offered by global cruise tourism, now a famous tourism product in Taiwan. This research looks at the cruise image as a recreational experience and compares the results of 906 questionnaires to investigate perceived value, satisfaction and post-purchase behavioral intention. Analyzing these factors, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used for theory...
January 2011
A comparative study of educational leadership in Taiwan and the USA
This research study employed a casual comparative approach to investigating transformational leadership practices of educational leaders in Taiwan and the USA. Convenient samples of 50 educational leaders from each culture were selected as two sample groups to draw cross-cultural comparisons. The instrument selected to measure exemplary leadership practices was Kouzes and Posner’s Leadership Practice...
January 2011
The adoption of new and innovative knowledge by small and medium enterprises of Iran: Opportunities and constraints for growth
The purpose of this article was to explore the capacity of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in absorbing and managing knowledge as a prior condition to innovations and entrepreneurial growth. Drawing the findings from more than 1,500 SME owners/ managers of the ICT sector in Iran, across regular quarterly Small Enterprise Research (SER) team surveys and from other large scale studies, this...
January 2011
Comparison of the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior: An application on accountants’ information technology usage
Because of efficiency and easiness that it provides, Information Technology (IT) usage has a vital meaning for all sectors. To derive benefits from IT completely, it has to be discovered in all aspects. The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons behind accountants’ IT usage and in this context, compare two social psychology based theories; the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the Theory...
January 2011
Comparing the persistency of different frequencies of stock returns volatility in an emerging market: A case study of Pakistan
This study aimed at comparing the variance structure of high (daily) and low (weekly, monthly) frequencies of data. By employing ARCH (1) and GARCH (1, 1) models, the study found that the intensity of the shocks was not equal for all the series. The study found that statistical properties of the three data series of returns were substantially different from one another and the persistence of conditional...
January 2011
Facilitating qualitative research in business studies: Using the business narrative to model value creation
This is a conceptual paper supported by empirical research giving details of a new Business Narrative Modelling Language (BNML). The need for BNML arose given a growing dissatisfaction with qualitative research approaches and also due to the need to bring entrepreneurs, especially those with little training in management theory, closer to the academic (as well as practitioner) discussion of innovation and...
January 2011
Task value, goal orientation, and employee job satisfaction in high-tech firms
Operating in highly competitive environments, high-tech firms leverage capital-intensive facilities, technology-intensive products and computer applications to earn competitive advantages. Doing so requires employees perform tasks that are relatively more complex in comparison with other industry sectors. Employee job satisfaction, a surrogate measure of organizational effectiveness/performance, is an...
January 2011
The relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance: An empirical investigation in an Iranian company
In the Intellectual Capital (IC) literature, only a few studies have analyzed the relationships among the components of IC and organizational success. This study provides further insight into the role of IC in organizational performance, especially financial performance. In this order, Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAICTM) method has been used for measuring the value based performance of the company....
January 2011
The impact of reforms on the value relevance of accounting information: Evidence from Iran
This paper examines the value relevance of accounting information in Iran for the period 1996 - 2008, before and after the codification of national accounting standard in 2001, which could describe the effect of codification of the first national accounting standards by The Iranian Association of Certified Public Accountants. The results obtained from a combination of regression and portfolio approaches, show...
January 2011
Investigation of the factors influencing the acceptance of electronic cash stored-value cards
Electronic cash stored-value cards have been issued in Asia for a while. Few academic studies investigate the factors that influence consumers’ acceptance of electronic cash stored-value cards. This study proposes an extended technology acceptance model and applies structural equation model to confirm the factors influencing consumers’ acceptance of electronic cash stored-value cards. A set...
January 2011
Factors influencing intention to create new venture among young graduates
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that are influencing the young graduates for intention to create new venture. The study further highlights how the attraction, networking support, entrepreneurial capabilities, self-independence and self-reliance influence the young students to initiate their new businesses. The sample size of this study was 255 final semester students of various...
January 2011
The influence of usability and enjoyment on electronic customer relationship management performance in Jordan mobile communication services
Electronic customer relationship management performance is a comprehensive business and marketing strategy that integrates people, process, technology and all business activities for attracting and retaining customers over the internet and mobile phone to reduce costs and increase profitability by consolidation the principles of customer loyalty. Therefore, the results of electronic customer relationship...
January 2011
Forecasting the usage probability of VoIP by attributes of telephone service
This study proposes an adoption model for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) with telephone service attributes as the predicative factors. We use survey data on descriptive preferences to predict the usage probability of VoIP in Taiwan. The proposed method compensates for the defects in most current forecasting methods, where the forecasting model cannot be built without historical data. Analytical...
January 2011
The effects of a project’s social capital, leadership style, modularity, and diversification on new product development performance
Due to the rapid advances in information technology and the dynamic business environment, firms are facing more and more competitive challenges. To overcome this, many companies are trying to create new products to maintain their competitiveness. This study aims to explore the key success factors of New Product Development (NPD) performance from the perspectives of social capital, leadership, modularity and...
January 2011
The challenges of the customer services for modern market requests: A case study of "Telecom Serbia"
A new review of telecommunication business in modern economic environment indicates that there is no existence without accepting modern marketing approach. There must be a strong focus on the organizational design, which create an internal environment that is supportive to the empowerment of customer centred employees. The goal of the research consisted in the identification of the internal factors for which...
January 2011
The effect of organizational form and vertical integration on efficiency: An empirical comparison between cooperatives and investor owned firms
This study compares the efficiency of firms with different organizational form, cooperatives and investor owned firms (IOFs). This comparison was effected taking into account differences in property rights and transaction costs. The comparative analysis of productive efficiency was performed in terms of total factor productivity using a sample of Spanish firms. The calculation was made by means of data panel...
January 2011
Farmers' perceptions of farmer organizations in rural areas
Agricultural organizations are important tools in enhancing the living standards in rural areas; better utilizing farmer’s resources, increasing revenues, and achieving agricultural development. Organizational development in rural areas in Turkey is not at a desired level yet. It is very clear that organizing is for the benefit of farmers. Despite this, it is necessary to determine perceptions of...
January 2011
A study of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and quality attributes in Taiwan’s medical service industry
Measurement of customer satisfaction in behavioral health services has received increasing emphasis due to clinicians' and researchers' desire to measure outcomes that reflect the patient's unique perspective. This study examined how overall customer satisfaction and customer loyalty associate with the medical service quality attributes offered in Taiwan using Kano’s integrated model and the...
January 2011
To evaluate interface usability of an e-course platform: User perspective
As a core term in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), the analysis of system usability continues to be one of priority focuses of HCI researchers. Through users’ evaluation, a system’s inherent problems can be learned and its design be improved. This research was conducted to obtain the overall evaluation from the participants over the e-Course platform based on the data gathered from...
January 2011
Critical factors in promoting customer acceptance of and loyalty to online business management degree programs
This paper investigates the critical factors that promote the customer acceptance of online business management degree programs in online education markets. The model examines the impact of reputation, price, teaching quality, student service quality, and ethical practices on the customer acceptance of online degree programs and customer loyalty to online degree programs. Five hundred and seventy-five...
January 2011
Determinants of low-income non-users’ attitude towards WIG mobile phone banking: Evidence from South Africa
The slow adoption rate of mobile phone banking remains a dilemma for marketing managers globally. Previous studies on mobile phone banking adoption behavior lack investigation on low-income non-users’ adoption behavior and adoption behavior with regard to a specific type of mobile phone banking application. Therefore, this study investigates the attitude formation of low-income non-users towards...
January 2011
Is the balanced scorecard really helpful for improving performance? Evidence from software companies in China and Taiwan
In the past twenty years, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has been regarded as a possible effective performance measurement system. In recent decade, BSC is gradually connected with strategic goal management and performance control. However, scholars are still uncertain about the causal relationship between BSC and enhancement of strategic goal accomplishment and performance. Based on previous researches, this study...