May 2011
A review of business intelligence and its maturity models
There has been a great deal of recent interest that is driving research and development in the area of Business Intelligence (BI), due to the purported advantages it provides to organizations that deploy them skillfully. Although the concept of BI has been established for the past decade, it is fairly new and there is a limited study to provide systematic maturity guidelines and readiness...
May 2011
“Person culture fit†as an approach for better adjustments of expatriates to new cultures: A case study of China
It has been revealed from the many studies and literature available that the human factor or the human resource is a particular resource that can really create a difference for an organization. Increase in the internationalization of organizations and the emerging concepts, like globalization, is continuously promoting the transfer of workforce abroad and is increasing the cross cultural interaction of people...
May 2011
How to manage the relationship between democracy and economic development in Nigeria
The paper analyzes empirically, in Nigeria’s case, the biunivoque relationship between democratization and economic development. The analysis is based on the construction of an Unrestricted Vector Autoregressive Model (Unrestricted VAR), in the matrix form. For a better control of the results, regarding governance’s factors, we have introduced a third variable: The political regime durability. The...
May 2011
The effect of self-esteem and organizational identification on organizational citizenship behavior: A case of Pakistani public sector university
This study investigates the impact and effect of Self Esteem (SE) and Organizational Identification (OI) on Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The participants (N=158) are teaching and administrative staff from a public sector university. Moreover, the influence of gender and permanency in employment relationship over the fore mentioned relationships was examined. The results indicate Organizational...
May 2011
The influence of operating strategies and firm’s characteristics on factor productivity: Evidence from the lighting equipment industry in Taiwan
This study aimed at the influence of operating strategies and firms’ characteristics on factor productivity for the lighting equipment industry in Taiwan. Based on the theoretical framework, a linear structure model was constructed and the secondary data of 367 firms collected from of Taiwan Lighting Fixture Export Association in 2009 were used to perform a confirmatory analysis. By structural equation...
May 2011
The relationship among consumer vanity trait, materialism and fashion anxiety
This study focuses on Taiwan adolescent female students’ vanity traits, materialism and fashion anxiety. A convenience sample of 591 female college students was used. The outcomes of the relationship hypotheses found that vanity traits are positively related to materialism. Moreover, materialism has a positive significance relationship with fashion anxiety. The most important finding is that materialism...
May 2011
Framing and moderating conflicts among securities analysts
In this study, we investigated conflicts of interest wherein proprietary departments of securities companies had engaged in opposite-direction trading, in the midst of optimistic securities analyst forecasts. The study also explored the market forces moderating these conflicts of interest. Using a sample of listed Taiwanese companies, the findings indicated that the trading actions of proprietary...
May 2011
Customer retention through customer relationship management: The exploration of two-way communication and conflict handling
Organisations such as banks and short-term insurance organisations become more aware of the importance of customer relationship management (CRM) and its potential to help them acquire new customers, retain existing ones and maximise their lifetime value. A close relationship with customers will require a strong coordination between information technology (IT) and marketing departments to provide a long-term...
May 2011
Meeting customers’ requirements with ISO audit – quality management system (QMS) performance and organizational culture assessment
This study explores the possibility of assessing organizational culture and business ethics through the use of ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system (QMS) audit. 30 questionnaires have been collected from academic and industry research presenters and participants in the America, China, Malaysia, and Canada in 2008 for understanding their perception of: organizational culture, general business...
May 2011
Is participation in decision making related to employee’s empowerment?
The aim of this study is to examine relation between employees’ participation in decisions making and their empowerment in Telecommunication Company Iran subsidiary of Mazanderan Province. 250 employees from the Telecommunication Company Iran subsidiary of Mazanderan Province participated in this study. A Spearman's correlation analysis was used to investigate correlation...
May 2011
Developing a model for Iran about the relationship between economic freedom indices and Public private partnerships
In recent decades, simultaneously with increasing needs for more infrastructures in the developing countries, the public private partnership (PPP) model has attracted attention as a way to attract capital to sectors, while also promoting better budgetary management and transparency in public finances. This article develops a PPP model for infrastructure development in Iran via panel data analysis of 20...
May 2011
The impact of information technology on internal auditing
This paper evaluates the role of information technology and how it affects internal audit process in the organization. The study also stresses on the global trend of adopting IT system (software/ hardware) in producing a more controlled environment in delivering the auditing process. It also constitutes on how IT affects internal control (control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information...
May 2011
Employees’ conflict management strategies and demography: A case of Pakistan
This paper investigates the difference in the selection of employees’ conflict management strategies at their workplace across different age groups and departments. For this purpose, a questionnaire was got filled from 100 employees of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited working at managerial level by applying convenient sampling technique. Conflict management strategies were measured through a...
May 2011
An investigation of the relationship between employees’ emotional intelligence and performance
This paper examines the relationship between employees’ emotional intelligence and their performance. A total of 444 employees working in privately owned organizations were selected conveniently for this study. Emotional intelligence was measured through a scale consisting of 33 items and employee performance through a 16 items scale that measured their organizational citizenship behavior. These were...
May 2011
Changes in leadership styles in a transitional economy: A Serbian case study
The aim of this research was to analyze the existing leadership styles in organizations and develop an optimal leadership model in volatile economic conditions in Serbia. The research is included 64 managers from 5 different businesses. Leadership style was measured by a standardized questionnaire as a survey instrument consisting of 24 real situations and their subjective perceptions in the process of...
May 2011
Local Government capacity challenges in post apartheid South Africa: Lessons learnt
South Africa’s-post apartheid-promise to its citizens of a better life for all has not yet materialized for many. The South African state had undergone an extensive modernization process to equip itself to deliver on its post apartheid election promise. The state was configured into three spheres, national, provincial and local government each with specific constitutional powers. The local level is...
May 2011
Shifting conceptualization of accountability in light of shifting governance patterns
Public accountability is a sign of modern and democratic administration. Accountability has become a topic of concern in governance literature. The question of holding politicians and administration accountable in new governance environment, where many traditional means for controlling government no longer fully apply, has gained wide recognition. As a consequence, new types of accountability have been sought...
May 2011
Growth strategies, professionalization, ownership structure and performance across generations of a family firm
This paper analyzes and compares first generation family firms with those of second and subsequent generations through certain characteristics relevant to a greater understanding of the influence over the business of a generational transition. The study examines a sample of successful family businesses in Aragon (Spain), over a period of fifteen years (1990 to 2004) that have provided information about their...
May 2011
Succession planning and its effects on employee career attitudes: Study of Iranian governmental organizations
This paper evaluates effects of succession planning as an organizational level intervening program on career attitudes as individual level variables. Best practices of succession planning are selected from literature and compliance of succession planning system of organization to these practices is defined as extensiveness of succession planning. A 22-item questionnaire was developed to measure the ...
May 2011
Site-based management: Impact of leader’s roles on institutional improvement
This study attempts to determine some of the most influential factors within the roles of principals as being site-based manager. This will also help in understanding the impacts that are experiencing within site-based management (SBM) with an intention of providing better guideline for institutional improvement. Data gained through questionnaires from 127 principals and 694 teachers using representative...
May 2011
Investor’s perception on corporate responsibility of Indonesian listed companies
Good corporate responsibility is one principle of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). There is growing concern of GCG implementation nowadays, especially in Indonesia. Implementation of GCG, which also included responsibility, will create corporate sustainability and could be measured with responsibility rating and corporate governance rating issued by National Committee of Governance Policy.Our study...
May 2011
Chat exports and the Ethiopian economy: Opportunities, dilemmas and constraints
The paper discusses the growing importance of chat as an export product in the Ethiopian economy and the controversies that its production and marketing generate. It also presents the results of the analysis of survey data from 4 major export associations and 10 individual exporters. The results of the study show the opportunities and problems related to chat export to Ethiopia’s neighbouring countries...
May 2011
Measuring the attitude and intention to purchase different cohorts towards a fast food retailer
The elements of the extended marketing mix play a crucial role in assisting a business to gain a competitive advantage over competitors. A combination of the elements of the extended marketing mix is considered by consumers when making a decision to purchase at a fast-food outlet. The article attempts to emphasise whether race, gender and age groups experience the influence of the extended marketing mix...
May 2011
Organizational learning in the petrochemical industry: A case study of Kermanshah Petrochemical Company
In the year 2002, Templeton, Lewis and Schneider provided (design) a model of (for) designing organization measurement. “Organization learning is the collection of achieving, offering and interpreting knowledge as well as related information and therefore improving the organization’s memory that results in positive organization changes knowingly and unknowingly”. This research takes...
May 2011
Dynamics of stock market integration between the US and the BRIC
This study investigates the evolving pattern of integration and Granger-causality relationships between the developed US and developing BRIC stock markets. The study uses both the linear Engle–Granger cointegration test and the nonlinear Enders–Siklos cointegration test for comparative analysis, and it expands the consistent momentum threshold autoregressive model and the threshold error...
May 2011
Understanding service quality and patient satisfaction in private medical practice: A case study
Understanding customers’ views on service quality is critical for any service provider interested in ensuring that they are being responsive to clients. Patients’ service quality perceptions are however often given little or no attention in health service quality improvement programs. In this study data was collected from 220 patients of a private medical practice. The focus was on patients’...
May 2011
Implications of financial literacy in developing countries
This paper is an effort to establish the financial sector in the developing countries to promote financial literacy of customers and make them have access to finance and savings, which in turn support livelihoods, economic growth, sound financial systems, and participate in the economy. The main objectives of this paper is to enhances bank’s visibility in the communities it serves, contributes to a...
May 2011
Factors affecting commitment to human resource development of Iranian hospitals
Human resources are significant strategic levers and sources of sustained competitive advantage. The aim of this study is to identify the main factors of commitment to human resource development of the Iranian Social Security Organization’s Hospitals. To achieve this objective, the main variables were recognized and a questionnaire was designed. Iranian Social Security Organization’s...
May 2011
Personal income tax administrative reforms: Enhancing tax collection by the South African Revenue Services (SARS)
Sound public policy and state action is imperative for South Africa to expand its economy to grow sustainably and competitively, raise skills levels and continue spending on crucial social and economic investment programmes, aimed at improving the standard of living of all citizens. The provision of revenue to fund such initiatives is largely dependent on an efficient tax revenue institution which can...
May 2011
Can sustainable quality management contribute to the organizational performance?
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role that sustainable quality management (SQM) can play in achieving higher organizational performance. Specifically, this paper intends to conceptualize the SQM and deepen the understanding if the adoption of SQM significantly affects the organizational performance. A structured questionnaire was developed for collecting data from Slovenian organizations. Based...
May 2011
A critical analysis of performance appraisal system for teachers in public sector universities of Pakistan: A case study of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB)
Performance appraisal systems are always of imperative concern of any organization/institution while managing its human resources. Although, higher education institutions depends upon both teaching and non teaching staff working in it, yet major responsibility comes upon teachers who are the source of student’s knowledge, learning and development. Therefore, this need of teachers’ performance...
May 2011
IPO methods: A survey among Spanish investors
This paper used a sample of 50 Spanish fund managers to analyze their opinion about the two main Initial Private Offering (IPO) methods, book building and auction. The theoretical literature has argued that the principal system is book building due to the control on allocation and price it supplies for the issuer and underwriters, but very few studies have been done in relation with investors, and never...
May 2011
The future of international financial business : Global regulatory framework
Like other cross-border businesses, international financial business heavily depends on the predictability and stability of its business environments. The current crisis has focused on the national and world political processes around the issues of new international financial architecture and regulation. Despite numerous intergovernmental organizations’ plans, many national support packages have been...
May 2011
A study into the levels of decision making and coping wıth stress of the students of physıcal education and sports college
The purpose of the current study is to investigate the levels of decision making and coping with stress of students of physical education and sports college. The research group was made up of 413 girls and 590 boys (age=21.4607±1.8792), 1003 in total, studying at the physical education and sports colleges of Gazi University, Selçuk University, Kocaeli University, AÄŸrı Ä°brahim Çeçen...