February 2008
The role of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, security and privacy, and customer attitude to engender customer adaptation in the context of electronic banking
This research intends to propose a conceptual framework that will investigate the effects of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and security and privacy on customer adaptation mediated through customer attitude in the context of e-banking. To test the framework, structural equation modeling techniques have been applied to data collected from 227 customers of private commercial banks in Bangladesh. Primarily...
February 2008
Customer service in the retention of mobile phone users in Nigeria
Customer service has received considerable attention in marketing literature. This paper attempts to find the relationship between customer service on customer retention in telecommunication industry in Nigeria. If retention is not managed, customer’s loyalty may be lost. This study examined the potential constructs in customer retention by investigating the chain of effects of retention from customer...
February 2008
Redefining organizational practice through narratives: Unraveling the Eskom backstage
This article is focused on discursive responses which emerge in the backstage of a large scale South-African Energy company as result of the governmental planned change program of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE). It is argued that most of the current literature on BEE deals with issues regarding the ’frontstage’ rationale in terms of economic and policy impacts as well as structural...