African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4197

Table of Content: January 2009; 3(1)

January 2009

Correlates of group-membership by small-scale farm entrepreneurs in Kenya

  Organizations of small-scale farm entrepreneurs play a key role in organizing the production, processing and marketing of crop and livestock commodities in Kenya. Membership to such organizations is considered to yield economic benefits to farmers as well as promote their general welfare. This study assesses the association between membership to groups and household attributes or welfare indicators using 1097...

Author(s): Isaac K. Ngugi and Daniel K. Kariuki

January 2009

Managing behind the scenes: A view point on employee empowerment

  Empowerment is a concept which is widely used in management and many managers and professional in various organisations claim to be practicing it. Nowadays empowerment has occupied a central point in many organisations of the 21st century. Employee empowerment is said to have benefited many organisations, if managed and nurtured properly especially in enhancing employee commitment and reducing employee...

Author(s): Henry Ignore

January 2009

Critical factors influencing the project success amongst manufacturing companies in Malaysia

The purpose of this study is to investigate the critical factors that influence a successful project among manufacturing companies in Penang, Malaysia. In addition, this study is also aimed to explore if project change control play a role in moderating the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable identified in this research. Through the literature review process, it was found that project...

Author(s): Chan Wai Kuen, Suhaiza Zailani and Yudi Fernando

January 2009

An analysis of the supply for seed yams in Nigeria

  This study was conducted to examine the supply of seed yam in major yam producing areas of northern and southern Nigeria using the supply function analysis. A cost-route approach was adopted in eliciting data from 120 seed yam farmers and marketers spread across the six states studied in 2006 using the multi-stage random sampling technique. Results show that age had a significant relationship with seed yam...

Author(s): Asumugha, G. N., M.E., Njoku, B. C, Okoye, O.C. Aniedu, M. C. Ogbonna, H. N. Anyaegbunam, O. A. Akinpelu, O. Ibeagi and A. Amaefula