African Journal of
Business Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1993-8233
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBM
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 4197

Table of Content: March 2008; 2(3)

March 2008

Web communication: An Indonesian perspective

  This research analyses all the Indonesian companies on the Jakarta Stock Exchange in terms of its ability to communicate via the internet. Analysis is conducted to understand the level of web communication and predictor variables to explain website presence or absence. The results show that 63.8% of such firms have websites. Using logistical regression, statistical differences are found with size...

Author(s): Dulacha G. Barako, Rusmin and Greg Tower

March 2008

Assessment of effectiveness of marketing communication mix elements in Ethiopian service sector

  Creating effective communication with customers is the most important aspect in services marketing.To date we still have poor understanding of the role of effective communication with customers in attracting and maintaining prospective and present customers. This research article evaluates the effectiveness of advertising and personal selling practices of Ethiopian Service Sector...

Author(s):   Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri   

March 2008

Structural change in fertilizer procurement method: assessment of impact in sub-Saharan Africa

  In June 2006, African Heads of State declared support for increase in quantity of fertilizers used by farmers from about 8 to about 50 kg ha-1. Following realization of the structural weaknesses in African fertilizer industry, regional joint procurement capable of reducing fertilizer farm gate price and increase demand has been noted as a potential route to attain this goal. Structural changes in...

Author(s):   Jonas N. Chianu, Akin Adesina, Pascal Sanginga, Andre Bationo, Justina Chianu and Nteranya Sanginga