How to cite this article
Adegbite, A. V., & Ezekwesili, C. N. (2017). Effects of ethanol and aqueous leaf extracts of Pterocarpus mildbraedii on hematology parameters and cholesterol in albino rats. African Journal of Biochemistry Research , 11(6), 28-33.
Chicago /
Adegbite A. Victor and Ezekwesili C. Nonyelum. "Effects of ethanol and aqueous leaf extracts of Pterocarpus mildbraedii on hematology parameters and cholesterol in albino rats." African Journal of Biochemistry Research 11, no. 6 (2017): 28-33.
Adegbite A. Victor and Ezekwesili C. Nonyelum. "Effects of ethanol and aqueous leaf extracts of Pterocarpus mildbraedii on hematology parameters and cholesterol in albino rats." African Journal of Biochemistry Research 11.6 (2017): 28-33.