How to cite this article
Faouzi, L., Fatimazahra, E. B., Moulay, S., Adel, S., Wifak, B., Soumya, E., Iraqui, M., & Saad, K. I. (2015). Higher tolerance of a novel lipase from Aspergillus flavus to the presence of free fatty acids at lipid/water interface. African Journal of Biochemistry Research , 9(1), 9-17.
Chicago /
Faouzi Laachari, Fatimazahr​a El Bergadi, Moulay Sadiki, Adel Sayari, Wifak Bahafid, Soumya Elabed, Iraqui Mohammed and Saad Koraichi Ibnsouda. "Higher tolerance of a novel lipase from Aspergillus flavus to the presence of free fatty acids at lipid/water interface." African Journal of Biochemistry Research 9, no. 1 (2015): 9-17.
Faouzi Laachari, et al. "Higher tolerance of a novel lipase from Aspergillus flavus to the presence of free fatty acids at lipid/water interface." African Journal of Biochemistry Research 9.1 (2015): 9-17.