African Journal of
Environmental Science and Technology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0786
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJEST
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 1134

Table of Content: July 2018; 12(7)

July 2018

Influence of anthropogenic activities and seasons on heavy metals in spring water along Amala and Nyangores tributaries of the Mara River Basin

Anthropogenic activities, including replacing natural forests with human settlements and increased agricultural activities have environmental impacts. The activities can contaminate aquatic ecosystems including spring waters that are sources of major rivers like the Amala and Nyangores, tributaries of Mara River in Mau Complex. In the complex, forestlands have been converted to human settlements and agricultural lands....

Author(s): James J. Owuor, Philip O. Owuor, Fredrick O. Kengara, Ayub V. O. Ofula and Ally-Said Matano

July 2018

Influence of land use practices on water physicochemical parameters and nutrients loading along the Mara River of East Africa

Mara River originates from the Mau Forest and traverses through landscapes with varying activities. Over the years, Mara River Basin has witnessed population increase, accompanied with conversion of forestlands into agricultural farms, human settlements, industrial and tourist activities and development of urban centres. Land uses along riverine areas have influence on water quality and may affect health of surrounding...

Author(s): Martin S. M. Wafula, Philip. O. Owuor, Fredrick O. Kengara, Ayub V. O. Ofula# and Said-Ally Matano

July 2018

Perception and mitigation preferences on climate change among residents of Nairobi City County

As result of compounding factors related to environmental, social, economic and political pressures, it is feared that the impacts of climate change and variability may overwhelm resilience of urban systems in developing countries if adaptation and mitigation strategies are not strengthened. Understanding how the urban residents perceive and respond to climate change is necessary for the purpose of formulating informed...

Author(s): Anthony Musyoka Makau, John Bosco Mukundi, Aggrey Ochieng’ Adimo, Margret Wachu Gichuhi and John Wesonga