African Journal of
Environmental Science and Technology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0786
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJEST
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 1134

Table of Content: July 2020; 14(7)

July 2020

Oil and gas exploitation in the Ghanaian context: The balance of benefits and challenges

This study investigated the benefits and challenges associated with oil and gas exploitation from the Ghanaian perspective. A case study design that embraced both quantitative and qualitative methodologies was adopted for the study. Communities close to the oil and gas  production area (that is, the Jubilee Oil Field) were specifically targeted as the study population. The population covered three communities;...

Author(s): Jones Lewis Arthur and Chantel Amo-Fosu

July 2020

Air quality in city centres: The transportation effect in Minna metropolis Chanchaga Local Government Area, Niger State Nigeria

This study is aimed at assessing ambient air quality in city centres, in Minna metropolis, Niger State, North-Central part of Nigeria. Thirty points of commercial transportation locations within the city centre were considered, three thousand observations of CO, CO2, LEL, H2S and O2 were collected at different West African time (6 am, 8 am, 10 am, 12 noon and 6 pm) during the wet season in 2018 and analysed. Instruments...

Author(s): Okobia Efegbidiki Lympson and Abdul Husaini  

July 2020

Comparison between real and label content of different bottled water brands from Saudi Arabia and other international countries

For consumers, the water composition is indicated on a label attached to the water bottle. Reports about wrong label information were the motivation for this comparative study of the real content of 20 different bottled water brands from Saudi Arabia and 19 other brands from different countries in Asia, Oceania, Africa, and Europe. The pH, total dissolved salt (TDS) concentration, and concentrations of nine cations and...

Author(s): Anas S. Dablool