How to cite this article
Armelle, M. Y. D., Aghaindum, A. G. &
Félix, B. B. C.
(2021). Spatio-temporal distribution of Naididae tubificids species and bio-evaluation of the quality of some surface water bodies of Yaoundé, Cameroon. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology , 15(10), 399-410.
Chicago /
Moussima Yaka Diane Armelle, Ajeagah Gideon Aghaindum and Bilong Bilong Charles F&elix. "Spatio-temporal distribution of Naididae tubificids species and bio-evaluation of the quality of some surface water bodies of Yaoundé, Cameroon." African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 15, no. 10 (2021): 399-410.
Moussima Yaka Diane Armelle, Ajeagah Gideon Aghaindum and Bilong Bilong Charles F&elix. "Spatio-temporal distribution of Naididae tubificids species and bio-evaluation of the quality of some surface water bodies of Yaoundé, Cameroon." African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 15.10 (2021): 399-410.