September 2012
Comparative study of chemical constituents in sugar cane spirits from Brazil and Cape Verde
This work focuses on the development, validation, and use of analytical methods for the identification and quantitation of relevant constituents in sugar cane spirits from Brazil and Cape Verde. The compositions of both artisanal and industrial products were investigated. Repeatability, recovery, linearity of analytical curves, limits of detection, and limits of quantitation were parameters considered for...
September 2012
High lauric human milk fat analog prepared from palm stearin and coconut oil by enzymatic interesterification
In this study, an attempt to synthesize palm and coconut based Human Milk Fat analog (HMF analog) with high percentage of palmitic acid in the sn-2 position and high lauric acid in the sn-1,3 positions of the triglycerides was carried out. The first step was preparation of monoglycerides by hydrolysis of palm stearin, which is rich in palmitic and oleic acids...