African Journal of
Food Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Food Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0794
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJFS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 984

Table of Content: July 2009; 3(7)

July 2009

The nutritional composition, sensory evaluation and microbiological studies of fish cake made from shrimp bycatch

  This study reports on the nutritional composition, sensory evaluation and microbiological studies of fish cake made from shrimp bycatch. The yield of mince from the bycatch was 80.26% mince; 10.21% residue and 9.53% loss. The mince proximate composition was 66.32% moisture; 20.08% protein; 3.45% lipid and 3.93% ash. The proximate composition of the raw fish cakes was 64.40% moisture; 19.13% protein;...

Author(s): Osibona Adesola Olayinka, Akinwande Akinpelu Tope, Ozor Patricia and R.Akande Gbola

July 2009

Assessment of vitamin A content and sensory attributes of new sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) genotypes in Ghana

A study was conducted to assay the vitamin A contents of the leaves and roots of twenty four (24) newly bred sweet potato varieties and also assess the sensory attributes of the roots. Four months old genotypes of sweet potato leaves and roots were obtained from Fiaso, in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana, and were analysed using the Reverse Phase HPLC techniques for their α –, ß– and total...

Author(s): George Ofori, Ibok Oduro, W. O. Ellis and K. Harrison  Dapaah