June 2013
Effect of incorporating sweetpotato flour to wheat flour on the quality characteristics of cookies
Textural and sensory properties of cookies were studied by supplementing various proportion of sweetpotato flour (0 - 100%) to the wheat flour. The cookie dough was subjected to rheological analysis and texture profile analysis by using TA-XT2i (SMS) in order to determine dough hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, adhesiveness etc. Spread factor, puncture force and fracture strength of the...
June 2013
Comparison of protein values from seven wild edible plants of Iran
Plants are one of the major sources of proteins. The plants Arum maculatum, Portulaca oleracia, Semicarpus anacardium, Carissa karandus, Cordia myxa, Solanum indicum and Chlorophytum comosum are widely available in the wild in many regions of Iran. These are consumed as fruits and vegetables. Therefore, to study the comparison of their protein values, these plants were selected...