African Journal of
Food Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Food Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0794
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJFS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 984

Table of Content: May 2014; 8(5)

May 2014

Bael (Aegle marmelos Correa) products processing: A review

Bael (Aegle marmelos Correa) being an indigenous fruit occupies an important place from medicinal point of view. The different varieties of Bael such as Mirzapuri, Kagzi Gonda, Kagzi Banarsi, Kagzi Etawah, Narendra Bael-1, Narendra Bael-2, Narendra Bael-5, Narendra Bael-9, Pant Shivani, Pant Sujata, etc are popular. Its nutritional and medicinal properties make this fruit one of the most valuable and a good source of...

Author(s): Anurag Singh, H. K. Sharma, Pragati Kaushal and Ashutosh Upadhyay

May 2014

Retention of nutrients of pearl millet using conventional and solar cooking

Comparative estimation of nutrients of pearl millet was studied by adopting two methods of cooking, that is, conventional cooking on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) stoves and solar cooking. Starch, total soluble carbohydrate, protein, calcium and iron were determined for raw, conventional and solar cooked pearl millet. It was found that retention of starch was 98.58% for solar cooked and 74.51% for conventional cooked...

Author(s): Raka Srivastava and Aakanksha Nahar

May 2014

Evaluation of antioxidant and hypolipidaemic effects of fermented Parkia biglobosa (Jacq) seeds in tyloxapol-induced hyperlipidaemic rats

Globally, fermented foods form an intricate part of the staple diet of people. This study investigated the hypolipidaemic potential of fermented seeds of Parkia biglobosa (African locust bean/iru), a popular condiment by supplementing (20% w/w) in animal feed. Animals (n=5) in six treatment groups received; standard rat diet (control); iru-supplemented feed; standard rat feed with tyloxapol administered...

Author(s): Ayo-Lawal, Rachael Aderonke, Osoniyi, Omolaja, Famurewa, Akindele Joshua and Lawal, Olukayode Adeayo

May 2014

Optimization of taste and texture of biscuit produced from blend of plantain, sweet potato and malted sorghum flour

Biscuits were produced from blends of plantain, sweet potato and malted sorghum flour. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of varying the proportions of these flour mixtures on the taste and texture of the produced biscuits. Mixture response surface methodology was used to model the taste and texture of the biscuits with single, binary and ternary combinations of the three flours. The optimum taste and...

Author(s): Ishiwu C. N., Nkwo V. O., Iwouno, J. O. Obiegbuna J. E. and Uchegbu, N. N. 

May 2014

Evolution of biochemical and physical parameters of two fresh-cut fruits over storage at 4°C

Biochemical and physical changes of two types of fresh-cut fruits packaged in plastic containers and stocked at 4°C were studied over a period of six days. The first type of container was film-lidded and contained orange juice, pomelo, kiwifruit and orange slices. The second type was plastic-lidded and contained orange juice, apple, kiwifruit and orange slices. Color, vitamin C and carbohydrates changes were...

Author(s): Guy-Joseph Lemamy, Marc Lebrun, Serge Thierry Omouessi, Bénédicte Ndeboko and Justine Mouecoucou

May 2014

Enzyme profiles of potential starter cultures for the fermentation of baobab seeds

The extracellular enzymatic activity of ten (10) strains of predominant bacteria involved in Maari process has been investigated using the APIZYM (BioMérieux, France) commercial system, with the objective of determining the differences in the enzymatic profiles of the various species. Variable enzymatic activity was recorded showing the specific activity of each species during the fermentation of baobab seeds....

Author(s): Charles Parkouda, BréhimaDiawaraa and KwakuTano-Debrahb

May 2014

Effect of pretreatment on physicochemical quality characteristics of a dried tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)

Tomato is highly perishable and drying is a convenient method of extending its shelf life and minimizing postharvest loses. During drying, some nutrients may degrade and thus affect general quality characteristics of the dried tomato. The effect of pretreatment in enhancing drying and product quality of dried tomato was investigated in this study. Slices of tomato were treated by dipping in (a) A solution containing...

Author(s): Mavis Owureku-Asare, Joyce Agyei-Amponsah, Firibu Saalia, Luis Alfaro, Luis A. Espinoza-Rodezno and Subramaniam Sathivel

May 2014

Analysis of quality attributes of banana drinks blended with aqueous extracts of ginger

This study aimed to investigate the effect of ginger (Zingiber officinale) on the microbiological, physicochemical and sensory quality of banana (Musa spp .) drink. Production of banana juice was achieved with hot and unheated water extraction. The various juices obtained were supplemented with aqueous extracts of ginger in concentrations of 2.5 and 10%, stored and analyzed periodically for microbiological and...

Author(s): Yéo Mohamed Anderson, Chatigre O.,  Elleingand  E., Koni  Pascal and Koffi  Ernest

May 2014

Evaluation of extrudate from sweetpotato flour and tomato pomace blend by extrusion processing

Sweet potato flour and tomato pomace blend were used for the development of extruded products. The response surface methodology was adopted in the experimental design to investigate the effect of feed proportion (5-25% tomato waste powder), moisture content (13-17%), screw speed (275-325 rpm) and barrel temperature (120-140°C) on the quality of the extruded products. Regression equation describing the effect of each...

Author(s): Pramesh Kr. Dhungana, Arti Chauhan and Sukhcharn Singh

May 2014

Quality assessment of acha-based biscuit improved with bambara nut and unripe plantain

Five value added biscuit products were produced from three different raw materials, namely acha (Digitaria exilis Staph), bambara nut and unripe plantain, at different proportions: 100:0:0% (ACH105), 80:10:10% (ACH801), 70:20:10% (ACH702), 60:30:10% (ACH603) and 50:40:10% (ACH504), respectively. The raw materials were cleaned, sorted, dried and milled into flour and used to produce biscuits. Sensory parameters...

Author(s): Agu H. O., Ezeh G. C. and Jideani A. I. O.

May 2014

Effect of three processing methods on some nutrient and anti-nutritional factor constituent of Colocasia esculenta (Amadumbe)

Colocasia esculenta L. Schott (Amadumbe) is a major starchy food crop used in the rural areas in Kwazulu-Natal province, South Africa. Like most root crops, Amadumbe is rich in carbohydrate content with low protein and lipids. Preliminary screening of Amadumbe revealed the presence of some anti-nutrients (amylase inhibitor, trypsin inhibitor, oxalate, alkaloids, saponin, phytate and total phenols). The effect of...

Author(s): R. McEwan, F. N. Shangase, T. Djarova and A. R. Opoku