African Journal of
Food Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Food Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0794
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJFS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 984

Table of Content: October 2009; 3(10)

October 2009

Investigation of the potential of fortified instant Matooke flour in rehabilitation of malnourished children. Part 1: Optimal level of fortification of instant tooke flour porridge and its nutritional quality attributes

The aim of this study was to optimize levels of incorporation of soybean and sesame flours into instant tooke (cooking banana) flour (ITF) porridge with respect to sensory quality. The flours were prepared using conventional dehydration procedures. A mixture design was developed for incorporating sesame and soybean flours into matooke flour. From the design thirteen porridge formulations were...

Author(s): Florence Isabirye Muranga, Miriam Kanyago, Fabian Nabugoomu and James M. Ntambi

October 2009

Investigation of the potential of fortified instant Matooke flour (ITF) in rehabilitation of malnourished children. Part II: Testing potential of ITF as a vehicle food for malnutrition intervention

This study was done to establish potential of instant Tooke (cooking banana) flour (ITF) as a vehicle food for malnutrition intervention. Hypotheses generated were: (1) There is a significant difference in response with respect to weight gain between malnourished subjects rehabilitated using fortified IFT and Mwanamugimu Diatery Regime (MDR); (2) There is a significant difference in response with respect to...

Author(s): Florence I. Muranga, , Miriam Kanyago, , Fabian Nabugoomu and James M. Ntambi

October 2009

Effect of flour production methods on the yield, physicochemical properties of maize flour and rheological characteristics of a maize-based non-fermented food dumpling

  The study was aimed at investigating the influence of flour production methods (Grit Soaking Method [GSM], Grit Non-soaking Method [GNM] and Pestle and Mortar Dehulling Method [PMDM]) on the yield, physicochemical properties of maize flour and rheological characteristics of a maize-based non-fermented food dumpling. The flour yield from the production methods ranged between 56.6 and 62.3% with GSM and GNM...

Author(s): Mathew K. Bolade

October 2009

Qualities of commercially and experimentally sun dried fin fish, Scomberoides tol

  Seafood is a popular food item and has been preserved by several ways. Curing is one of the simplest methods to preserve fish to meet out the need of the people.  In India fishes are washed, gutted and sun dried on ground, surface of rocks, wooden platforms, palm leaves and also on sandy beaches. The ex-port of Indian cured fishery products are reduced because of their poor quality. The nutritive quality...

Author(s): Jamila Patterson and Govindan Ranjitha

October 2009

Physico-chemical properties of Chakiya variety of Amla (Emblica officinalis) and effect of different dehydration methods on quality of powder

  In present study a comparative study of wild variety and cultivated variety of Amlawere carried out; simultaneously effect of different drying techniques on physicochemical properties of Amla powder were also studied. The fruits of wild variety were found smaller than the cultivated variety. In case of wild variety, the total phenolic contents were found to be 32.32 g/100 g of gallic acid...

Author(s): Poonam Mishra, Vijeyta Srivastava, Deepmala Verma, O. P. Chauhan and G. K. Rai 

October 2009

Influence of blanching on the drying and rehydration of banana slices

  This study examined the effect of blanching (60°C; 10 min) followed by drying (50 - 80°C) and rehydrating at 100°C for 15 – 60 min on product characteristics (shrinkage, dry matter loss, moisture loss, electrical conductivity and rehydration capacity) of ripe and unripe banana samples. Increasing drying temperature resulted in greater moisture loss, higher shrinkage and higher rehydrating...

Author(s): K. A. Taiwo and O

October 2009

Utilization of cashew kernel meals in the nutritional enrichment of biscuit

A study was carried out on the utilization of cashew kernel meals (CKM) in the nutritional enrichment of biscuit. The biscuits were prepared from blends of soft wheat flour (SWF) and cashew kernel meals (CKM). The different ratios of SWF to CKM used were (A) 100: 0, (B) 90:10, (C) 85:15, (D) 75:25 and (E) 50:50 respectively. The digestive biscuit (DB) bought at the open market served as reference sample. The different...

Author(s): S. O. Aroyeun

October 2009

Studies on the functional properties and the nutritive values of amura plant starch (Tacca involucrata) a wild tropical plant

  Starch, is a natural biodegradable biopolymer which is in high demand recently for use in many industrial products. However, this has greatly increased the search for more new sources of starch from plants. The plant Tacca involucrata is a wild plant that contains starch which is eaten when the flour is been cooked, usually by the villager or rural dweller in the Northen Nigeria as their food. A new...

Author(s): S. G. Zaku, O. C. Aguzue , S. A. Thomas and J. T. Barminas