May 2013
Accurate approximate analytical solutions to an anti-symmetric quadratic nonlinear oscillator
In this paper, an analytical technique has been developed based on a modified harmonic balance method to determine higher-order approximate periodic solutions for a nonlinear oscillator with discontinuity for which the elastic force term, is an anti-symmetric and quadratic term. Usually, a set of nonlinear algebraic equations is solved with this method. However, analytical solutions of these algebraic...
May 2013
Modified and a new spectral method for solving nonlinear ordinary differential equations
In this paper, we present a modified and new version of spectral method which is based on minimization of obtained residual term in norm, where is a weight function with respect to Jacobi polynomials. Using this approach is efficient and effective rather than Tau and collocation methods. It reduces the nonlinear ordinary differential equations to the nonlinear programming problems which...
May 2013
Starting the five steps Stomer-Cowell method by Adams-Bashforth method for the solution of the first order ordinary differential equations
We developed a five-step Stomer-Cowell method using method of interpolation and collocation of power series approximate solution to obtain non linear systems of equation which is solved for the unknown parameters to give a continuous linear multi step method. The continuous linear multi-step is evaluated at selected grid points to give discrete linear multi-step method which serve as the corrector. The...
May 2013
Heat absorption and chemical reaction effects on peristaltic motion of micropolar fluid through a porous medium in the presence of magnetic field
In this paper, a study of the peristaltic motion of incompressible micropolar fluid through a porous medium in a two-dimensional channel under the effects of heat absorption and chemical reaction in the presence of magnetic field was studied. This phenomenon is modulated mathematically by a system of partial differential equations which govern the motion of the fluid. This system of equations is solved in...
May 2013
On fuzzy strongly C – pre open sets and fuzzy strongly C – pre closed sets in fuzzy topological spaces
The concept of complement function is used to define a fuzzy closed subset of a fuzzy topological space. That is a fuzzy subset l is fuzzy closed if the standard complement 1-l = l¢ is fuzzy open. Here the standard complement is obtained by using the function C: [0, 1]® [0, 1] defined by C (x) = 1-x, for all x Î[0, 1]. Several fuzzy topologists used this type...
May 2013
On Pearson families of distributions and its applications
In this study we are going to discuss an extended form of Pearson, including the reversed generalized Pearson curves distribution as its subfamily, and refer to it as the extended generalized same distribution. Because of many difficulties described in the literature in modeling the parameters, we propose here a new extended model. The model associated to this heuristic is implemented to validate the...
May 2013
Cardinality and idempotency of partial one-one convex and contraction transformation semi group
Let Xn be a set with finite number of elements following natural ordering of numbers. The formulae for the total number of elements in partial one – one convex and contraction transformation semigroup and its idempotents are obtained and discussed in this paper. The relationship between fix α and idempotency is obtained and stated; an element α is an idempotent if |Imα...