Full Length Research Paper
Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are among the most widely used contraceptive methods and users discontinue use despite its effectiveness due to different reasons. This study is aimed at determining the reasons for IUD discontinuation. A retrospective survey was conducted at Family Planning Clinic of University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. Information on socio-demographic characteristics, IUD - duration of use and reason(s) for removal was obtained using a proforma. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. A total of 1,961 women had IUD removal within the study period. Mean age and duration of use was 37.8 ±8.6 and 6.2±4.6 years, respectively. Their parity ranged from one to six and majority 528(26.9%) were 30-34 years of age. More than one-third 710(36.2%) had secondary level of education and were mainly grandmultipara. Commonest reasons for IUD discontinuation were side-effects 543 (27.6%) and client’s preference 536(27.3%). About a fifth of them had early IUD discontinuation while majority 651(33.2%) used the device for four to ten years. Thus, IUDs are safe and well tolerated with side effects and client’s preference as commonest reasons for its discontinuation. Providers should provide information on the side effects and its management at insertion knowing that the woman’s choice is paramount.
Key words: Intrauterine devices (IUDs), discontinuation, duration, reasons.
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