Full Length Research Paper
Challenging with environmental problems and health due to non-biodegradable plastic wastes, Abomey-Calavi university heads have banned the use of any Non-biodegradable Plastic Food Packagings (NPFP) on all campuses. This study aimed to verify the effective implementation of this decision and assess the microbiological quality of ecological primary food packagings used in Abomey-Calavi campus. To achieve the objectives, a survey based on a questionnaire was submitted to actors in this policy (students, teachers, administrative officers and vendors). Microbiological quality evaluation of primary food packagings used consisted of counting the total mesophilic flora, total and thermo-tolerant coliforms, yeasts and molds through the basic laboratory methods. The results showed that 94,4% of Abomey-Calavi campus peoples are aware of the memo banning NPFP use within the university. They recognize that enormous risks of public health and ecosystem degradation are associated with the use of NPFP. Unfortunately, these pachagings continue to be used even though the trend is downward. The communication on ecological packagings benefits by university authorities remains insufficient. Also, some primary food packagings heavily used in this campus contains pathogenic microorganisms (thermotolerant coliforms and mycotoxinogenic molds) that can cause gastroenteritis and other food poisonings. People frequenting Abomey-Calavi campus remain permanently exposed to the risks associated with NPFP use. These packagings, especially that from food use constitutes potential and permanent sources of insalubrity, food poisoning, foodborne infection and intoxication.
Key words: Plastic, packaging, microbiological quality, environmental pollution, health risk, food poisoning, foodborne infection.
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