Full Length Research Paper
Enterococci bacteria category that were previously named fecal streptococcus or group D Lancefield’s streptococcus mostly are in human and animal intestinal tract and are among the most important indicators of fecal contamination of food. In addition, they cause food poisoning and diarrhea in humans (particularly children). In this study after validation of principles of system in poultry slaughter house, process premises diagram designed and hygiene hazards of poultry in slaughter line were studied and critical points detected. Then, 10 samples were taken from slaughtering stages such as (1) rectal swab (2) breast swab (3) after defeathering (4) after eviscerating (5) after spray cold water (6) after the chiller (7) before packaging and water samples of: (8) scalder (9) Chiller. Prevalence rate of Enterococci and contamination level were studied using standard methods. Paired t-test for qualitative data was used for statistical analyses. The results obtained from the 9 stages of sampling showed that logarithmic average contamination load of Enterococciwere 2.82, 1.03, 1.19, 2.26, 1.64, 0.95, 093, 1.63 and 1.32%, respectively. Enterococcilogarithmic average contamination load of breast swab as compared with rectal swabshowed significant difference (p<0.05). Finally, the results obtained showed that poultryintestine is a seriously critical point in slaughter house.
Key words: Enterococci, poultry, slaughterhouse.
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