Full Length Research Paper
This study investigated the biosurfactant productions potentials of Bacillus isolated from dye effluent. Samples were collected under aseptic condition from three areas of Sokoto (Marina, Unguwar rogo and Minannata) in Nigeria and transported in an ice bag to microbiology laboratory of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Enumeration, identification and characterization of the isolates were carried out using standard microbiological methods. The potential and ability to produce biosurfactants was determined using blood haemolytic tests, drop collapse and emulsification techniques. A total of nine organisms were isolated from these three locations sampled, and three were Bacillus species which are the predominant bacteria obtained from the three locations. Enumeration results revealed highest bacterial count at Unguwar rogo (17.33×105 cfu/ml). Haemolysis results revealed that all the isolated bacterial strains exhibited haemolytic activity. The result of drop collapse test showed that all the isolated organisms had good collapsing ability, and all the isolated organism had positive oil spreading and emulsification ability. This study showed Bacillus species are potential biosurfactants producers and should be studied in greater details as strains improvement may enhance the activity of biosurfactants.
Key words: Biosurfactants, drop collapse, emulsification, potential, dye effluent.
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