June 2012
Active constituents of some Satureja L. species and their biological activities
Methanol extracts from the aerial parts of three Satureja L. spp. belonging to the family Lamiaceae were studied. S. cilicica is endemic to Turkey; S. icarica and S. coerulea extend to West Anatolia; S. icarica extends to the Turkish-Greek border and S. coerulea extends to the Turkish-Bulgarian border. S. icarica, S. coerulea, and S....
June 2012
Evaluation of indirect immunofluorescence assay in patients with autoimmune diseases
Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are the hallmark of autoantibody production in autoimmune disease. ANA are directed against components of the cell nuclei such as DNA, histones, nucleoli and ribonucleoproteins. ANA detected by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) is the method of choice and is regarded as the gold standard technique. 100 patients with autoimmune disease attending a tertiary care hospital at Chennai, India and...
June 2012
Gamma ray mediated mutagenesis of Phialocephala humicola: Effect on kinetics and thermodynamics of a-amylase production
The current report dealt with the development of the fungus Phialocephala humicolathrough gamma ray treatment for the hyper production of α-amylases, which have diverse industrial applications. Improvement of microbes for the over production of industrial products has been the hallmark of all commercial fermentation processes. Three mutants (M13, M16 and M24) were selected based on the hyper-production of...
June 2012
Molecular typing of Vibrio alginolyticus strains isolated from Tunisian marine biotopes by two PCR-based methods (ERIC and REP)
The aim of the present study was to analyze the intraspecific genetic variability within Vibrio alginolyticus isolated strains from different Tunisian aquatic biotopes by using two PCR–based techniques. Seventy eight strains including nine Vibrio reference strains and sixty nine V. alginolyticus isolated strains from seawater, sediment, fish (diseased Gilthead...
June 2012
Assessment of the antifungal activity of Nicotiana glauca Graham aqueous and organic extracts against some pathogenic and antagonistic fungi
In the present research work, Nicotiana glauca Graham was used as a potential source of biologically active compounds. The antifungal activity of leaf and flower aqueous and organic extracts (petroleum ether, chloroforme and methanol) was assessed in vitro against three phytopathogenic fungi and two antagonistic agents. These target fungi were subjected to the different types of extracts already...
June 2012
Antibacterial and antifungal activities of Cotula coronopifolia
This study examines the antibacterial and antifungal activities of extracts, and one active principle: 6-methoxy-1-benzofuran-4-ol, isolated from the aquatic plant Cotula coronopifolia, against six pathogenic bacterial strains and seven pathogenic fungi. Results showed positive antibacterial and antifungal values, and underline the potential of the plant C. coronopifolia either as natural preservative or...
June 2012
Biotoxicity assay of Bacillus thuringiensis combined with sodium citrate, Bifenthrin+Cypermethrin and Saraca indica on Tribolium castaneum
Microbial control of insect pest of crops using entomopathogens is pest management strategy. Bacillus thuringiensis has a great potential for this purpose. The focus of the present study was to determine the individual and combined effect of different insecticides such as Saraca indica as a botanical insecticide, B. thuringiensis and chemical insecticides against larvae and adults...
June 2012
Chemical composition, antibacterial and antifungal properties of Tunisian Nigella sativa fixed oil
We investigated the chemical composition (by gas chromatography) and anti-microbial activity of the Tunisian Nigella sativa fixed oil against different standard Gram-negative and Gram-positive strains and Candida isolates by disc diffusion method, and determined the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) and minimal fungicidal concentration (MFC) values. Twenty three...
June 2012
Pulsed-ï¬eld gel electrophoresis, plasmid proï¬le and antimicrobial resistance pattern of Salmonella typhimurium isolated from human and retail meats
Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium is one of the common food pathogens which may cause human disease and/or animal infections. In an attempt to trace the clonal relationship and to discern the possible transmission of these strains from different origins, twenty-five Salmonella typhimurium strains isolated from retail meats and four strains isolated from...
June 2012
Molecular study of bacteria associated with Salicornia symbiotic bacteria as a candidate for Hormozgan salty zone culturing by Persian Gulf water irrigation
HormozgÄn is one of the 30 provinces of Iran. It is in the south of the country, facing Oman. Unfortunately, water extraction, in excess of the rate of replenishment, saline intrusion and inappropriate use of fertilizers have caused some increases in the salinity of many areas, which during the last two decades became a major problem in the production of traditional crops in many regions. Salicornia is a...
June 2012
Effect of protective culture and biopreservatives on strained yoghurt quality
In this research, the protective culture (Lactobacillus rhamnosus LC705 andPropionibacterium freudenreichii JS) and biopreservatives as Nisin (Nisaplin), Delvocid®(natamycin) or Nipasol M (propyl paraben) on the physical, chemical and sensory properties of strained yoghurt were studied in relation to its viability of undesirable yeasts-moulds during storage at 4±1°C for 28 days. Based on...
June 2012
Prevalence and antibiotic resistance of Listeria species in food products in Taipei, Taiwan
A total of 400 samples including meat products, dairy and dairy products, fresh vegetables, fresh seafood, and ready-to-eat food products from supermarkets in Taipei area were collected and analyzed for the prevalence of Listeria species. The overall occurrence ofListeria spp. was 16.5%, and most of them were isolated from meat products and vegetables. Listeria monocytogenes was isolated...
June 2012
Effects of different vegetable oils formulations on temperature tolerance and storage duration of Beauveria bassiana conidia
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of different vegetable oil formulations on the temperature tolerance and storage duration of Beauveria bassiana conidia. The germination ability of conidia mixed with eight vegetable oils including rapeseed, soy, sesame, corn, coconut, grape, olive and almond oils, were evaluated for the conidia temperature tolerance at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45°C by spreading...
June 2012
Soil biochemical dynamics at three elevations during the soil thawing period, Eastern Tibetan Plateau: Nutrient availabilities, microbial properties and enzyme activities
Studies during last decade have established that soil microbial biomass, enzyme activity and nutrient pools in some cold regions often keep relatively high level in winter and drop rapidly when soil temperatures approach and exceed 0°C during winter-spring transitional period. However, the inconsistent results were observed in different ecosystems due to various temperature dynamics. Based on previous observations...
June 2012
Survey of hygiene in ovine slaughterhouses of Algiers region by bacteriological analysis of carcasses
Ovine meat is a major protein source in Algeria. Hygiene of food stuffs is an important concern in food production since food poisoning is a danger for public health. Two slaughterhouses were investigated in this study. Ten carcasses were sampled in each slaughterhouse during 4 consecutive weeks. The amount of total aerobic mesophilic flora and of Enterobacteriaceae was calculated on the 80 carcasses. The results were...
June 2012
Sensitivity of ruminal bacterial isolates of sheep, cattle and buffalo to 13 therapeutic antibiotics
Ruminal bacterial isolates, 59 from two sheep, five cows and nine buffaloes were used to evaluate sensitivity to the therapeutic antibiotics amikacin, cefadroxil, cefoperazone, cefotaxime, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, gentamicin, piperacillin, polymyxin, roxithromycin, streptomycin and vancomycin. Sensitivity of ruminal bacterial isolates to each was determined by the clearance zone (CZ) in the...
June 2012
Extracellular trehalose production by Micrococcus lylae and its enhancement by heat shock
We examined the effects of heat (50°C), osmotic (3% NaCl), and solvent (3% ethanol) shock on the extracellular trehalose production by Micrococcus lylae KCTC 3517 in glucose-supplemented medium. Cultivation of M. lylae at 37°C for 12 h followed by heat shock of exponentially growing cells at 50°C for 2 h at 12 h-intervals resulted in maximum trehalose production (1.72 mg/ml), which...
June 2012
Optimization of extraction parameters for protein from beer waste brewing yeast treated by pulsed electric fields (PEF)
In order to improve the permeability of yeast cell membrane, pulsed electric fields (PEF) was applied in extracting protein from beer waste brewing yeasts (BWBY). Through investigation of three independent variables, including electric field strength (10 to 50 kV/cm), pulse numbers (2 to 16 μs), and liquid-solid ratio (20:1 to 60:1), the optimal extraction parameters for protein were obtained by one-factor-at-a-time...
June 2012
Distribution of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes in different remote cities of Pakistan
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a serious health problem that affects millions of individuals worldwide. About 85% of the HCV patients develop persistent HCV infection that leads to liver cirrhosis with chronic Hepatitis C. HCV genotypes have a diversified pattern of frequency and distribution throughout the world and are critically important in understanding the epidemiological problems. Hepatitis C genotype...
June 2012
Carbapenem-resistant and OXA-23 producing Acinetobacter baumannii isolate in Tunisian hospital
We investigated resistance determinant of clinical isolate of carbapenem–resistantAcinetobacter baumannii, collected from patients hospitalized at the Military hospital in Tunisia. The isolate which was multidrug resistant produced OXA-23. The bla OXA-23 gene was found to be adjacent to ISAbaI. Key words: Acinetobacter baumannii, OXA-23, ISAbaI.
June 2012
Effects of Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP) on immune function of mice
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of Lycium barbarumpolysaccharides (LBP) on immune system function. The effects of different doses of LBP on the relative weight of immune organs, delayed type hypersensitivity, spleen lymphocyte proliferation reaction and NK cell activity in mice were investigated. LBP increased the relative weight of immune organs and improved cellular immune...
June 2012
Folate, MTHFR C677T and A1298C polymorphisms with the relationship with ovarian cancer risk among Chinese females
Genetic and environmental factors may play roles in the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer; we aimed to evaluate the associations between MTHFR C677T and A1298C polymorphism and folate intake with ovarian cancer. A case-control study with 200 ovarian cancer...
June 2012
Use of starter cultures of Bacillus and Staphylococcus in the controlled fermentation of Lanhouin, a traditional fish-based condiment from West Africa
Strains of Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis and Staphylococcus xylosus previously isolated during the spontaneous fermentation of Lanhouin were tested singly and in combination for their ability to ferment pasteurized fish flesh to produce a new type ofLanhouin, a traditional condiment product. The growth of viable cells during the fermentation was monitored according to...
June 2012
Brucellosis among ruminants in some districts of Bangladesh using four conventional serological assays
Brucellosis causes a great economic loss to the livestock industries through abortion, infertility, birth of weak and dead offspring, increased calving interval and reduction of milk yield and it is endemic in Bangladesh. The present study was performed to know the seroprevalence of brucellosis for 1000 ruminants (135 Buffaloes, 465 cattle, 230 goats and 170 sheep) in five different districts of...
June 2012
In vitro and in vivo antitumoral activitiy of sodium dichloroacetate (DCA-Na) against murine melanoma
Normal cells typically use mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to metabolize glucose and switch over to glycolysis only in hypoxic or anoxic environment. However, cancer cells avidly consume glucose for energy by glycolysis to survive in the hypoxic environment of malignant lesions, a phenomenon known as the Warburg effect, the glycolytic phenotype offers growth advantages to cancer cells by resisting apoptosis....
June 2012
Diversity of organism in the Usnea longissima lichen
Lichens are self-supporting and ecologically obligate associations between symbiotic fungi, commonly an Ascomycete (mycobiont), and a photosynthesising organism (photobiont). Samples of Usnea longissima lichen were collected from Abies georgei in the Pudacuo National Park, Shangri-la County, Yunan Province, China, and their biological compositions were analysed by cultural and metagenomic approaches. We found...
June 2012
Morphological and molecular identification of pathogenic fungal of post-harvest tomato fruit during storage
Three pathogenic fungi of tomato were separated by using transconjugate method and identified by morphological characteristics and internal transcribed spacers ribosomal DNA (ITS rDNA) sequence analysis. Morphological studies showed that FQ1, FQ2 and FQ3 generated spores on potato dextrose agar (PDA) plates and slides. The ITS rDNA regions of these pathogens were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and then...
June 2012
Antibacterial potential of Withania somnifera L. against human pathogenic bacteria
The present study was conducted to evaluate the antibacterial activity of chloroform, acetone, methanolic, and ethanolic crude extracts of stem, leaves, and roots of Withania somnifera. It was observed that acetone extracts was the most effective followed by methanolic and ethanolic extracts for all the test organisms used. It was observed that acetone extracts were the most effective in inhibiting the growth...
June 2012
Incidence and virulence of Bacillus cereus isolated from Egyptian foods during four seasons
The incidence of Bacillus cereus in many food products including beef luncheon, koshary, karish cheese, double white cream cheese, white salty cheese and corn snacks was tested during four seasons. Generally, there was a high incidence rate during summer in all food samples and this rate decreased during winter. The incidence of B. cereus was high in karish cheese (25 to 80%), koshary (45 to 70%) and...
June 2012
Effects of microelement fertilizers and phosphate biological fertilizer on some morphological traits of Purple coneflower in water stress condition
In order to study the effects of microelement fertilizer and phosphate biological fertilizer “Phosphate Biofertilizer” on some morphological characteristics of Echinacea purpurea under water stress, an experiment was carried out using split-factorial method on the base of RCBD with three replicates in the agricultural research station of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Iran....