African Journal of
Microbiology Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0808
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJMR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 5239

Table of Content: 6 September, 2013; 7(36)

September 2013

Isolation, characterization and identification of amylase producing halothermophilic isolates from Howz Soltan Lake, Iran

  Halophilic bacteria are a group of salt tolerant microorganisms; the production of enzymes by halophilic bacteria, due to their activities in harsh environments, is considered as a major field of investigation. Hence, the present study was conducted for the isolation of halothermophilic bacteria from Howz Soltan salt lake. For this purpose 40 samples were collected from five regions of the Howz...

Author(s):   Mahmoudnia Fahimeh, Bahador Nima and Baserisalehi Majid

September 2013

Quality surveillance of surface water catchments in selected Obokun rural communities, in South-Western Nigeria

  In most rural communities in Nigeria, access to potable water is still a challenge. Water quality monitoring was conducted on six (6) surface water catchments in Obokun rural communities in South-Western Nigeria. Parameters were determined using internationally accepted procedures. Among the examined water chemical parameters, only NO3 (50.0 – 154 mg/l) and Mg (20.0 – 110 mg/l) exceeded the...

Author(s):   OLAITAN Janet Olubukola, AKINDE Sunday Babatunde, SALAMI Adejoke Omosile and AKINYODE Oluwafemi Ayobami

September 2013

Free and encapsulated chitinase and laminarinase as biological agents against Fusarium oxysporum

  In order to seek an environmentally-friendly alternative to chemical fungicide, the aims of this paper were: 1) to assess the enzymatic and antifungal activity of free and microencapsulated enzymes (laminarinase and chitinase from Trichoderma sp.) and their mixtures against F. oxysporum in soil in the presence or absence of thiabendazole; 2) to analyze remarkable variants resulting from...

Author(s):   Anna Ilyina, Erick León-Joublanc, Cecilia Balvantín-García, Julio Cesar Montañez-Sáenz, Mónica M. Rodríguez-Garza, Elda Patricia Segura-Ceniceros and José Luis Martínez-Hernández

September 2013

Production of pentocin 31-1 by high cell density Lactobacillus pentosus 31-1 repeated batch cell recycle fermentations

  Pentocin 31-1 was produced by Lactobacillus pentosus 31-1, isolated from the traditional Chinese fermented Xuan-Wei Ham. The wide range of antimicrobial activity especially toListeria spp showed its potential use as food preservative. The study of pentocin 31-1 production was carried out in repeated batch cell recycle fermentations in 5 L bioreactor and up to 50 L pilot bioreactor. Batch...

Author(s):   Meng Gui and Pinglan Li

September 2013

Characterization and optimization of xylanase and endoglucanase production by Trichoderma viride HG 623 using response surface methodology (RSM)

  Xylanase and endoglucanase production from Trichoderma viride HG 623 and their properties were investigated in this research. By using response surface methodology, the optimal concentrations for xylanase and endoglucanase production were carbon (rice straw: corn straw=6:1), 26.91 g/L; NH4Cl, 3.77 g/L; KH2PO4, 5.31 g/L and carbon (rice straw:corn straw=6:1), 26.99 g/L; NH4Cl, 3.80 g/L, and...

Author(s):   Xiaomei Huang#, Jiangli Ge#, Jinxia Fan, Xiuling Chen Xiuhong Xu, Jingfu Li, Yubo Zhang and Dongyue Zhou       #These authors contributed to this work equally.  

September 2013

Phylogenetic identification of bacteria within kefir by both culture-dependent and culture-independent methods

  A combination of culture-dependent and independent methods was used in an attempt to identify the bacteria present in kefir grains and kefir liquid. Culture-independent methods involved direct extraction of DNA by mechanical means from either grains or liquid, followed by PCR amplification and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. Culture-dependent methods were performed by inoculating samples from both the kefir...

Author(s):   Burcu Ünsal ÜNAL and Alper ARSLANOÄžLU

September 2013

Regulation of the ambient conditions for improving heavy metals removal from tanning leather industry waste water by Aspergillus candidus

  In the present study, the whole fungal mycelia of Aspergillus candidus, showed the highest capacity for the removal of heavy metals: Pb+2, Cu+2, Fe+3, Mn+2, Cr+6 and Sr+2from wastewater effluent of tanning leather industry, compared with the fungal pellets. Maximum biosorption capacity of metals was obtained after using 6 days old biomass and when the process was carried out at 28°C....

Author(s):   Eman Fathi Sharaf and Eman Alharbi