How to cite this article
Lafuente-Rincón, D. F., Chávez, T. E. V., & De la Fuente-Salcido, N. M. (2016). Bacteriocins of Gram-positive bacteria: Features and biotherapeutic approach. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 10(45), 1873-1879.
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David Francisco Lafuente-Rinc&on, Tania Elizabeth Vel&asquez Ch&avez and Norma M. De la Fuente-Salcido. "Bacteriocins of Gram-positive bacteria: Features and biotherapeutic approach." African Journal of Microbiology Research 10, no. 45 (2016): 1873-1879.
David Francisco Lafuente-Rinc&on, Tania Elizabeth Vel&asquez Ch&avez and Norma M. De la Fuente-Salcido. "Bacteriocins of Gram-positive bacteria: Features and biotherapeutic approach." African Journal of Microbiology Research 10.45 (2016): 1873-1879.