Full Length Research Paper
In the crude extracts of the bark and leaves of Sclerocarya birrea, have been characterized sterols, triterpenes, saponosides, tannins, anthocyanosides, coumarins, reducing compounds, alkaloids and carotenoids. Tests were carried out in vitro with extracts from each part of the plant to assess their efficacy against strains of Plasmodium falciparum sensitive to chloroquine K1 and that resistant to chloroquine 3D7. The crude alkaloidal extracts of the bark gave IC50 = 2.54 μg / ml with the strain 3D7 and an IC50 = 4.09 μg / ml with the strain K1. On the other hand, the extracts with CH2Cl2 showed an IC50 = 36.59 and 37.78 μg / ml respectively with the 3D7 and K1 strains. Those with CH3OH gave IC50 all greater than 50 μg/ml with both strains. The CH3OH / H2O extracts gave IC50 = 21.48 μg / ml with the K1 strain and greater than 50 μg / ml with 3D7. As for the H2O extracts, the IC50 were = 11.43 μg / ml with the K1 strain and also greater than 50 μg / ml with the 3D7. The alkaloid extracts of leaf gave an IC50 = 9.68 µg / ml with 3D7 and = 3.56 µg / ml with strain K1. With CH2Cl2, and IC50 = 6.62 μg / ml was obtained with 3D7 and 4.05 μg / ml with strain K1. The CH3OH extracts gave an IC50 = 21.12 μg / ml with the 3D7 strain and 21.06 μg / ml with the KI strain. The CH3OH / H2O extracts gave with strain 3D7 and IC50 of more than 50 and 32.73 μg / ml with K1. The aqueous extracts gave IC50 greater than 50 μg / ml for 3D7 and 25.17 μg / ml with the K1 strain.
Key words: Medicinal plants, Niger, Sclerocarya birrea, Malaria, Antiplasmodial activity, Alkaloids, Dichloromethane.
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