Full Length Research Paper
The object of this study is to observe the in vivo effect of cyclo-oxygenase-2 (Cox-2) inhibitors on the humoral response after immunization of rabbits with Salmonella typhi antigen. Albino rabbits of either sex were divided into five groups of six animals each and were administered aspirin (100 mg/kg, (BD), p.o), celecoxib (30 mg/kg O.D, p.o), indomethacin (12.5 mg/kg BD, p.o) and etoricoxib (17 mg/kg O.D, p.o) for seven days starting one day prior to immunization with S. typhi antigen (0.5 ml in each thighs), respectively. The antibody titres were measured weekly for a month using Widal agglutination test. The antibody titres in the first week were augmented in all the groups. The response was more marked in treated group as compared to control group. Later on antibody titre fell markedly in the treated groups. Selective Cox-2 inhibitors administration caused higher antibody suppression in comparison to non-selective Cox inhibitors treatment. These findings support that NSAIDs and the new Cox-2-selectivedrugs have an unsuspected target, the B cell, and attenuate antibody production.
Key words: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), cost, immunomodulators, antibody production.
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