Full Length Research Paper
Leaves of nine species of Ludwigia were collected from Southwestern Nigeria and the crude proteins were extracted and analysed by electrophoretic fractionation. The results shows that Ludwigia octovalvis var linearis, Ludwigia octovalvis var brevisepala, Ludwigia hyssopifolia and Ludwigia abyssinica are more closely related based on the position of protein bands. Also, Ludwigia decurrens A and Ludwigia adscendens subsp. diffusa are more closely related based on the number of band and the position of band. The band at 2.1 is taxonomic for all the species of Ludwigia studied. Similarly, the band at 1.0 delimits L. leptocarpa from the other species. Protein abundance sequence of the samples is in the order L. hyssopifolia ˃ L. octovalvis var linearis ˃ L. abyssinica ˃ L. octovalvis var brevisepala ˃ L. erecta ˃ L. decurrens B ˃ L. leptocarpa ˃ L. decurrens A ˃ L. adscendens subsp. diffusa. The occurrence of a new band in Ludwigia decurrence B separates it from Ludwigia decurrence A, a new hypothetical name is suggested for the delimitation of the two species. The protein bands are taxonomically distinct as no two species have the same band distribution; diagnostic bands which could be employed for the identification of each species are also reported.
Key words: Ludwigia, protein bands distribution, taxonomic implication, Nigeria.
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