The study on enset (E.ventricosum) diversity, based on its kocho and bulla proximate contents was done in major enset producing areas of Sheka zone in three agro-ecologies of the districts (Yaki (lowland), Andiracha (mid-land) and Masha (highland) Southwest Ethiopia. The result of the analysis revealed that there were variations among all concerned clones. Highest dry matters were recorded in bulla of all clones though their amounts varied from 51.64 to 58 %. The ash and crude fat content ranged between 1.41 and 0.81%, and 0.22 and 0.04 % respectively in bulla. Of macro-nutrient metals, K and Ca were found to be highest with 0.3 to 0.57 % K and 0.01 to 0.28 % Ca. Others such as Mg, Fe and P were very few in percent but varied in amount between ranges of trace or 0.01 to 0.06%. In kocho, dry matter varied from 41.25 to 49.70% and its crude fiber and ash content also ranged between 1.81 to 4.77 % and 1.44 to 2.50 % respectively. The K and Ca compositions of kocho ranged between 0.31 to .93% and 0.05 to 0.96% respectively. Contents of other minerals oscillated between 0.01 to 0.09% for P, Mg and Fe. Moreover, PCA employed for ten bulla and kocho traits were expressed by the first four PC with total variation of 76.6% in which the first two Principal components analysis explained 48% of variation. Cluster analysis grouped 14 enset clones in to three clusters. Divergence analysis result also indicated as maximum distances between these clusters with D2 value of ranging from 59.26 between cluster 2 and 3 and 261.77 between cluster 1 and 3 indicating possibility of cross breeding between landraces of different clusters. So, future research should focus on clone collection, conservation and molecular characterization for further breeding works.
Keywords: enset, biochemical composition of bulla and kocho, multivariate analysis