The present study was undertaken in order to find out the frequency and spectrum of morphological mutants induced by gamma rays and EMS in chickpea. The Co-4 variety of chickpea was treated with different doses/concentration of gamma rays and EMS to create genetic variability. The M2 progenies of these treatments were raised from M1 seeds. Various morphological mutations were carefully screened from M2 generation. The result revealed a wide spectrum of morphological mutations which altered the plant height, growth habit, leaf architecture, flower characteristics, pod and seed. Of all the morphological mutations, the highest frequency is observed for flower mutation followed by seed mutation. The spectrum of morphological mutation induced by EMS was comparatively wider than that of gamma rays. It indicates, the induced variability is governed by the genotype of the material used and the mutagenic specificity for different traits.
Keywords: Chick pea, Mutation, Morphological mutants