Withania somnifera Family Solanaccae has found various uses in ayurvedic and traditional system of medicine for treatment of various health effects such as nervous and sexual disorders, tumor, malaria, tuberculosis, stomaace and arthritis in many parts of the world including Ethiopia.The present study was carried out to investigate the phytochemical and structural elucidation of compounds from methanol extract of Withinia sominifera. TLC was used for the identification of various components and the crude methanol extract was then separated and isolated using column chromatography. Of those isolated compounds, with appropriate amount, structural elucidation was performed for WS14 (Withania somnifera fraction 14) using spectroscopic techniques i.e IR, 1H NMR,13C NMR and DEPT-135.
Keywords: Phytochemistry, Withania somnifera , spectroscopic techniques