African Journal of
Plant Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Plant Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0824
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 815

Table of Content: January 2016; 10(1)

January 2016

Morphological and molecular identification of Pythium spp. isolated from common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) infected with root rot disease

Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the main leguminous crop grown primarily by small-holder farmers in the East and South African countries. Pythium root rot disease is the major production constraints which results in yield losses of 70% to most commercial bean cultivars in eastern Africa. Study focused on ascertaining preliminary information on bean cultivation practices in Tanzania, morphological and molecular...

Author(s): Papias H. Binagwa, Conrad K. Bonsi, Susan N. Msolla and Inocent I. Ritte

January 2016

Effect of poultry manure treated and untreated with effective microorganisms on growth performance and insect pest infestation on Amaranthus hybridus

Poor soil fertility is a major cause of low yield of amaranth in Nigeria. Optimum productivity of the vegetable is also constrained by insect pests that cause reduction in yield and quality. Incorporation of effective microorganisms (EM) into organic matter is capable of positively influencing decomposition and mineralization. The present study assessed the effects of poultry manure treated and untreated with effective...

Author(s): Abiodun Joseph, Benson Oluwafemi Ademiluyi, Patrick Ajibola Aluko and Temitayo Martha Alabeni

January 2016

Mistletoe presence on five tree species of Samaru area, Nigeria

The infestation of trees by mistletoe within Samaru is very high and alarming and there is little or no records on the type of mistletoe species found parasitic on tree species within this area. In order to document and know the species richness of mistletoe within this region, the study was aimed at determining the different species of mistletoe parasitic on Albizzia lebbeck, Citrus grandis, Khaya senegalensis,...

Author(s): Tizhe Tari Dlama, Alonge Samson Oluwagbemileke and Aliyu Ramatu Enehezeyi

January 2016

Rooting and establishment of Limoniastrum monopetalum (L.) Boiss stem-tip cuttings

Rooting of Limoniastrum monopetalum stem-tip cuttings and establishment of produced plantlets were investigated in order to facilitate the use of the species in urban and suburban areas, and historical Mediterranean landscapes as an ornamental plant. Cuttings collected in winter or spring rooted at higher percentages than those collected in summer or autumn. Water-ethanol solutions containing 1000 to 3000 mg L-1...

Author(s): Anastasia Akoumianaki-Ioannidou, Aekaterini N. Martini and Maria Papafotiou

January 2016

Effects of soil substrate quantity and sowing method on cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) seedlings growth in Togo

Cocoa is one of the outstanding cash crops in Togo, but the orchards are old and require the rehabilitation trough replanting and good cocoa seedlings. A study was conducted in nursery to investigate the effect of soil quantity and sowing method on cocoa seedlings growth. The treatments were a quantity of depleted bulk soil in two pots (2120 and 1055 cm3) and the cocoa seeds were sown by three methods: Direct sowing in...

Author(s): AyiKoffi ADDEN, Gbénonchi MAWUSSI, Robert Madjoulba BATOCFETOU, Timondjro KOUDJEGA, Komla SANDA and Kouami KOKOU

January 2016

Iphimeis dives (Crysomelidae) Beetle occurrence in beans in western Parana State, Brazil

Iphimeis dives (Germar, 1824) is a species of beetle from Chrysomelidae family, commonly found in fruit trees, and it is known as a vine defoliator beetle or Green Beetle. In this study, I. dives occurrence in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is registered in the cities of Assis Chateaubriand and Palotina, western region of Paraná State. This is the first recorded I. dives attack in Brazil’s bean crops. The...

Author(s): André Luiz Alves, Meirieli Nunes, Antonio Carlos Torres da Costa, José Barbosa Duarte Júnior and Vanda Pietrowski