How to cite this article
Hakizimana, M., Gesimba, R. M., & Muthamia, J. M. (2022). Effects of grain spawn and substrates on growth and yield of oyster mushroom grown under different cropping shelters. African Journal of Plant Science, 16(6), 125-137.
Chicago /
Hakizimana Modeste, Gesimba Robert M. and Muthamia Japhet M.. "Effects of grain spawn and substrates on growth and yield of oyster mushroom grown under different cropping shelters." African Journal of Plant Science 16, no. 6 (2022): 125-137.
Hakizimana Modeste, Gesimba Robert M. and Muthamia Japhet M.. "Effects of grain spawn and substrates on growth and yield of oyster mushroom grown under different cropping shelters." African Journal of Plant Science 16.6 (2022): 125-137.