Political Socialization determines the future strength and weakness of one’s country leadership and societal solidarity. The aim of this paper is to investigate youth’s political socialization in Ethiopia since 1990s. The study use qualitative research approach. To achieve the intended goals secondary sources of data were collected from books, journal articles, academic curriculums, reports, newspapers, magazines and media outlets. The study analysis the socialization process in Ethiopia via families, education sectors, media and political systems in the last thirty years. The study analyzed the roles of each agent of socialization in shaping youth’s political attitudes, political behaviors, political engagements and public opinion formation. Finally, the researcher uses a critical discourse analysis approach to reach on conclusion. Based on this the researcher reach upon the following findings; the thirty years political socialization in Ethiopia is not to the standard of establishing shared public opinion, shaping youths political behavior, shaping youths political attitudes and developing youths political efficacy rather the socialization process is focus on divisive and polarized political views. In terms of attitudes, it created polarized views like we and they, our Ethiopia and their Ethiopia, our flag and their flag, our history and their history. In terms of engagement the socialization, process unable to create youth with strong political efficacy rather dependent generation who lack long-term political analytical capacity. The thirty years socialization process creates youth with unconventional political behaviors like mob, emotional, boycott and protest. Overall, the thirty years political socialization journeys institutionalize politics of conspiracy, otherness, pseudo, proxy, authoritarianism and hate in the country. Therefore, there is the need to think over our political Socialization. Key words: - Political Socialization, Political Attitudes, Political Behavior, Political engagement
Keywords: Political Attitudes, Political Behavior, Political Engagement and Political Socialization