African Journal of
Political Science and International Relations

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Pol. Sci. Int. Relat.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0832
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPSIR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 411

Table of Content: January-March 2021; 15(1)

January 2021

Manifest destiny and foreign relations: Examining the Nigeria-South Africa contradiction

This article analyses the dichotomy between potentials and capabilities with respect to Nigeria-South Africa relations and how this impinges on the leadership contest majorly involving the two countries. It observed that the international recognition accorded South Africa pitched it against Nigeria though, there are other contenders including Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia and Rwanda to mention a few for the leadership slot....

Author(s): ADETUNJI, Olumuyiwa Adebayo and ADEWUMI, Eyitayo Folasade

January 2021

Globalisation and COVID-2019 pandemic: The nexus and impact on development in Africa

Since the dawn of the 21st century, which coincides with the renewed forces of globalisation, the world has witnessed outbreak of major pandemics with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as the most recent. This study therefore, examines the relationship between globalisation and COVID-19 pandemic as well as impact on development in Africa. The paper adopts the descriptive and analytical methods while purposive sampling...

Author(s): Monday E. Dickson  

January 2021

The travails of Nigerian federalism 1951-1999: A federation in crisis of constitutional engineering

Federalism in Nigeria dates back to 1951 (69 years), but in spite of the long period of experience with federalism as a political system, Nigerians are still in search of an acceptable, truly and functional federal constitution. Today, the clamor for the restructuring of the Nigerian federal system, another way of asking for a new constitution, is so rife that it has assumed a crisis proportion. This paper therefore...

Author(s): M. M. Fadakinte and M. Abdulkareem

January 2021

India and China in Africa: Rivalry or catching up?

The South-South cooperation has been experiencing a second youth with the deepening of Sino-Africa and Indo-Africa relations. In order to secure an important part of the Black continent’s enormous natural resources, China and India have pledged to build mutual beneficial partnerships with Africa. In the process, both Asian growing economies are infusing the continent with capital, infrastructure and jobs. If the...

Author(s): Lucien Nola Nouck