June 2010
Who's who: Transnational corporations and nation states interface over the theoretical shift into their relationship
The complex relationships that occur between countries, market and private actors have been simplified in theoretical approaches such as realism, neo-liberalism and globalization. However, their relationship is not a zero-sum game but one of ‘complex governance’ where all actors have to be considered to understand the changes in the international system. Key words: Trans-national...
June 2010
Democracy and good governance: Nigeria’s dilemma
Despite its enormous resources and huge potentialities, Nigeria remains grossly undeveloped. Consequently, political instability, abject poverty, acute youth unemployment, heightened crime rate, poor health prospects and widespread malnourishment have been the main features of Nigeria’s political economy. The development tragedy in Nigeria fits into the trends of political instability for which Africa has become...
June 2010
Rural-urban migration of young persons from selected conflict ridden communities in Rivers State: A sociological approach
Migration could be voluntary or involuntary. The paper examines the involuntary movement of young persons or child labour (youth) from conflict communities of Ogbogoro, Ogbakiri, Rumuekpe and Rumuolumeni, in Rivers State. The techniques deplored are the interview and focus group discussion (FGD) methods in collecting data. The theoretical framework is hinged on the Marxist political economy theory. Its focus is on the...
June 2010
The role of opposition in Nigerian politics
In a political and truly democratic endeavour, the foundational basis for balance leads to the horizontal separation of powers rather than any vertical formulation of any kind of corruption of this pragmatic ethos. Central to this balance in government is that of the expression of opposition on a parallel political level. This paper delves into the nature, both legal and philosophical, of opposition in politics...
June 2010
The performance of the Malawi Congress Party in general elections: The role of sectionalism of a regional and ethnic nature
In this article, an attempt has been made to explain the performance of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) in the general elections by focusing mainly on the 2009 presidential and parliamentary elections in which the MCP lost overwhelmingly. Specifically, the role of sectionalism of a regional and ethnic nature on the MCP’s national level performance was examined. Different kinds of data from the Malawi electoral...
June 2010
Contextualizing "Muridiyyah" within the American muslim community: Perspectives on the past, present and future
This paper examines the presence of the West African Sufi order, known as the Muridiyyah, within the broader context of muslims in America. The advent of the Murids in the American muslim community has not been the object of much research. This paper draws on the historical experience of the American muslim community in order to situate the Muridiyyah within these temporal and spatial parameters. Based on analyzing...
June 2010
U. S. foreign policymaking toward Ethiopia and Somalia (1974 - 1980)
The US policy in the Horn of Africa during the 1970’s was marked by the constraints posed by the international environment. The twin pillar policy formulated by the Nixon and Kissinger administration and later by the Ford administration was continued in its basic purposes by the Carter administration*. However, Carter’s policy major shift in 1979 – 1980 was not marked by the Soviet support for Ethiopia...