Full Length Research Paper
This study explored the experiences and implications of transitioning from school to work without family support for university graduates in Uganda. The research was a qualitative exploratory study in Kampala city, Uganda. The data was collected through in-depth individual interviews with university graduates (first-degree graduates). The research findings showed that young men and women, upon graduation, strongly believe that the family is obliged to support their transition from school to work. The implications of not being supported by the family include prolonged unemployment and the risk of falling into the Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) category, engaging in precarious and informal work as they queue waiting for formal employment that matches attained educational qualifications, emotional stress, and the dependence on friends for survival. The graduates' most expected forms of family support include financial support for job search expenses and practical job search assistance through informal networks. However, there is also a strong feeling that the family should support the graduates by providing capital for small businesses (self-employment), which they can depend on during the transition period. The desire for self-employment can be attributed to the fact that many youths in developing countries are self-employed. In Uganda, self-employed young people constitute three-quarters of the working young persons.
Key words: Family support, labour market, school-to-work transition, Uganda, youth transition.
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